2. 这一天一开始就不顺。

答案:答:The day had got off to a bad start.

7. Don’t drive so __________ (fast / fastly)! Your interview doesn’t start until 10 a.m.
23. Rosie wants to apply _______ a part-time job there.
1. You ________ (have to / should)wear a seat belt. It’s the law.
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 84. What does the writer suggest you do with your favourite song?
28. At the moment, there is an _______ of students graduating with arts degrees.
4. 一个黑客侵入了系统。
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.
49. Did you say you wanted to speak to the manager? Hold _______ (up / on), I’ll put you through.

2. 这一天一开始就不顺。

答案:答:The day had got off to a bad start.

7. Don’t drive so __________ (fast / fastly)! Your interview doesn’t start until 10 a.m.
23. Rosie wants to apply _______ a part-time job there.

A.   for

B.   on

C.   to

D.   over
1. You ________ (have to / should)wear a seat belt. It’s the law.
9-1 One of the most important things you can do in the days before a job interview is to work on developing a positive attitude. It’s natural to feel nervous, but a positive mind-set will help you to perform well and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. In order to feel positive, you need to examine the way you think. If you think things like “I can’t...” or “That’s impossible” you need to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of thinking “I can’t do public speaking”, tell yourself “I find public speaking difficult, but I’m going to work on it and get better”. It is well-known that preparation will help you to successfully answer interview questions. But did you know that preparing well for an interview can also help you to feel much more confident? On the morning of your interview, do everything you can to make yourself feel relaxed. Do you have a favourite song which makes you feel good? Put it on at top volume and listen to the words. Treat yourself to a healthy breakfast and remind yourself of all you have achieved so far. Finally, tell yourself you are looking forward to, and not fearing, the interview. Finally, see the interview as an opportunity to learn. Try not to think of it in terms of getting the job or not getting the job. See it as a way of getting valuable interview experience and making important connections in your industry. 84. What does the writer suggest you do with your favourite song?

A.   Play it every day before your interview.

B.   Play it after your interview, if things have gone well.

C.   Play it the night before your interview.

D.   Play it on the morning of your interview.
28. At the moment, there is an _______ of students graduating with arts degrees.

A.   excess

B.   extra

C.   excessive

D.   extreme
4. 一个黑客侵入了系统。
7-1 Have you been invited to an online interview? If so, it’s very important to look professional and make a good impression. If you want to find out how you can do this, read on! First of all, even though you are not meeting the interviewer face to face, you still need to look smart. Make sure your hair is brushed and your face is clean. You might need to walk away from the camera to get something, so make sure you are wearing nice pants and shoes too. Your background should be clear and professional. You don’t want the interviewer to see your dirty washing or the remains of your lunch on the kitchen table. Have a quick video call with a friend before your interview and ask them to comment on what they see. That will give you time to make changes before your interview starts. Body language is important, so don’t forget to smile when the interviewer speaks. It can be difficult to make eye contact during an online interview: in order to do so, you will need to look at the webcam. This will show the interviewer that you are listening and paying attention. Finally, have a plan B in case the technology goes wrong, for example, moving your online interview to a telephone call. If you have a software problem which you can’t do anything about, try not to worry: the interviewer will be used to dealing with problems like this and will understand. 65. What should you do if the technology goes wrong?

A.   You should plan to do something different (e.g.: a telephone call).

B.   Write the interviewer a letter to apologize.

C.   Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault.

D.   Ask for a face-to-face interview instead.
48. She’d had a bad day at work, and she needed to _______ her anger.

A.   tempt

B.   cite

C.   vent

D.   steam
49. Did you say you wanted to speak to the manager? Hold _______ (up / on), I’ll put you through.