3. 我不能流利地说英语。

答案:答:I can't speak English fluently.

5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 43. How is the job rewarding, according to the writer?
7-2 My life as a pet food tester When I tell people that I work as a pet food tester, I get a lot of different responses. Some people laugh, some look disgusted, and others ask me what the food tastes like and how much of it I have to eat. It certainly is an interesting job. However, it’s also a job which needs a high level of skill and qualifications. I have a degree in nutrition, so I know about the kind of food that pets need to stay healthy. An important part of my job is writing reports about the food I taste and making suggestions about how it can be improved. Tasting the food is just one part of what I do. How do I go about tasting the pet food? First of all, I smell it carefully. The food has to smell nice, otherwise the animals won’t want to eat it. Also, pet owners don’t want bad-smelling food in their homes! After smelling the food, I taste it. I keep it in my mouth for a few minutes, taking notes on how it tastes and how it feels in my mouth. It’s really important the food tastes good. If I don’t like it, then probably the animals won’t like it either. The food isn’t the best part of my job, but there are other perks—like the salary. I earn $50, 000 a year. Now that leaves a good taste in my mouth! 70. According to the writer, what is the main perk of the job?
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
1.Would you work for peanuts?
1. 大家要常联系。
1. 这个软件有故障。
32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.
1. I've been working with my company for over two years now.
2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 18. How can you show you are grateful to the hiring manager?

3. 我不能流利地说英语。

答案:答:I can't speak English fluently.

5-1 My dream job: being a social media manager I’ve been a social media manager since graduating last year. You might be asking yourself what a social media manager does. Well, let me explain. A social media manager manages the social media accounts of businesses or individuals to help them to achieve their business or career goals. Personally, I specialize in helping individuals to achieve their professional goals through social media. Often this means helping them to develop a presence on social media so that they are more likely to catch the eye of a recruiter in their chosen field. Often, I’ll work with a client for a few weeks, and then receive a message from them afterwards saying, “Guess what? I got the job of my dreams thanks to your advice!” When this happens, I feel my job is rewarding and that I am making a difference to people’s lives in my own way. Sometimes the work I do involves helping people to promote a product, for example a book they have written. Either way, I have to work with my clients on achieving good posting habits (not posting too often or too rarely) and developing a strong, positive brand. The first thing I have to do with any client is to ask them questions about what they want to achieve through social media. It’s important that I listen to their ideas. In fact, I’d say that being able to communicate effectively is the most important skill you need if you want to succeed in this career. 43. How is the job rewarding, according to the writer?

A.   It pays very well.

B.   The benefits package is excellent.

C.   He has the opportunity to travel.

D.   He really feels he can help people.
7-2 My life as a pet food tester When I tell people that I work as a pet food tester, I get a lot of different responses. Some people laugh, some look disgusted, and others ask me what the food tastes like and how much of it I have to eat. It certainly is an interesting job. However, it’s also a job which needs a high level of skill and qualifications. I have a degree in nutrition, so I know about the kind of food that pets need to stay healthy. An important part of my job is writing reports about the food I taste and making suggestions about how it can be improved. Tasting the food is just one part of what I do. How do I go about tasting the pet food? First of all, I smell it carefully. The food has to smell nice, otherwise the animals won’t want to eat it. Also, pet owners don’t want bad-smelling food in their homes! After smelling the food, I taste it. I keep it in my mouth for a few minutes, taking notes on how it tastes and how it feels in my mouth. It’s really important the food tastes good. If I don’t like it, then probably the animals won’t like it either. The food isn’t the best part of my job, but there are other perks—like the salary. I earn $50, 000 a year. Now that leaves a good taste in my mouth! 70. According to the writer, what is the main perk of the job?

A.   They get to make a difference to animals’ lives.

B.   They earn a good salary.

C.   They get free pet food to take home.

D.   They enjoy the taste of the pet food.
9. Please look over this document very __________ (careful / carefully).
1.Would you work for peanuts?
1. 大家要常联系。
1. 这个软件有故障。
32. A typical workday for me usually consists _______ lots of meetings.

A.   by

B.   of

C.   in

D.   at
1. I've been working with my company for over two years now.
2-2 What to do after an interview There are many articles telling you how to prepare before an interview, but there is less advice about what to do afterwards. However, what you do after an interview is really important. Not only can it help you to prepare for future interviews, but it might also help you to increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important to think about your interview performance. Write down everything you remember, especially the questions you were asked. Then think about how you answered them. Don’t use this as an opportunity to be too negative about your performance, as this will not help with your confidence. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about what you did well, and where you could improve for the next time. Write a thank-you letter to the hiring manager. Not only does this show them that you are grateful for the time they took to speak to you, it is also an opportunity to make you stand out from the other candidates. After your interview, take time to connect with your interviewer on professional social media sites. If they accept your request, it could mean that they are interested in staying in touch. Even if you do not get the job, you will have taken an important step in growing your professional network. Finally, don’t spend all your time waiting to hear how the interview went. Stay calm, focus on learning new skills and start preparing for your next interview. 18. How can you show you are grateful to the hiring manager?

A.   By saying thank you at the end of the interview.

B.   By offering to connect on social media.

C.   By writing a thank-you letter.

D.   By making a telephone call to say thank you.