A、 正确的标点符号很重要,因为它表明了文本的不同部分是如何联系在一起的,并防止了歧义。
B、 正确的标识很重要,因为它表明了文本的不同部分是如何构成的,并防止了误解。
C、 正确的符号很重要,因为它展示了文本不同部分的构成情况,并防止了错误。
D、 C.正确的符号很重要,因为它展示了文本不同部分的构成情况,并防止了错误。
A、 正确的标点符号很重要,因为它表明了文本的不同部分是如何联系在一起的,并防止了歧义。
B、 正确的标识很重要,因为它表明了文本的不同部分是如何构成的,并防止了误解。
C、 正确的符号很重要,因为它展示了文本不同部分的构成情况,并防止了错误。
D、 C.正确的符号很重要,因为它展示了文本不同部分的构成情况,并防止了错误。
A. The cover title shall be "Pilot's Operating Handbook" or "Polit's Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual."
B. The name of the book might be "Pilot's Operating Handbook" or "FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual."
C. The cover could be named as "Pilot's Operation Instruction" or "Pilot's Operation Instruction and FAA Approved Airplane Flight Instruction."
A. 然而,当修订使手册的分发、归档和使用变得困难时,就必须重新发布。
B. 然而,当累积的修订使手册的分发、归档和使用变得困难时,就需要重新发行。
C. 然而,当手册的分发、存档和使用达到一个困难点时,就需要重新发行。
A. Ensure that the porosity is less than the specified error.
B. Ensure that the depth of the hole conforms to the specified value.
C. Make sure that the diameter of the hole is less than the specified value.
A. The applicant for an avoidance permit must show that the approval of the avoidance permit will not affect safety and must provide an explanation.The applicant shall take measures to ensure that the level of safety is equal to the level of safety provided
B. The petitioner for an exemption must include reasons why safety would not be adversely affected if the exemption is granted,or must explain the action to be taken by the petitioner to provide a level of safety equal to that provided by the rule from whic
C. The applicant for an exemption permit must state the reasons why safety will not be affected by the granted approval,or must take measures to ensure that the level of safety provided is consistent with the requirements of the regulations seeking exemption
A. On the label,read the date of the last inspection.
B. Check the date of latest inspection on the log.
C. On the label,make sure the date of last check.
A. 直接从高压气瓶中放气是不可取的。
B. 不要直接用高压气瓶从系统中抽气。
C. 不要直接用高压气瓶给系统充气。
A. Pressurization of the pneumatic crossover manifold and use of an external air source connected to the air charging valve manifold to pressurize the reservoirs for ground maintenance is the second method.
B. You can use the second method to pressurize crossover manifold and use an external air source connected to the air charging valve manifold to pressurize the reservoirs for ground maintenance.
C. The second method is that it is not necessary to pressurize the pneumatic crossover manifold but to use an external air source connected to the air charging valve manifold to pressurize the reservoirs for ground maintenance.
A. 如果一个项目具有特别高的复杂性,需要专门的技术、测试设备或专业知识,则不要求将内部图和结构细节,或互联系统、维护、故障排除、检查或修理方面的数据,包括在基本机身维修手册中,对主要部件,如航空电子设备、特殊电子设备、发动机、螺旋桨等。
B. 当一个检查项目特别复杂,需要特殊的技术、测试设备或专业知识时,则无须将较大部件(如航空电子设备、特殊电气设备、发动机和螺旋桨等)的内部图和结构细节,或互联系统、维护、故障排除、检查或修理方面的数据等包括在基本的机体维护手册中。
C. 如果项目具有极高的复杂性,需要专门的技术、测试设备或专业知识,则内部图示和结构细节,或系统互连、维护、故障排除、检查或维修的资料,不需要包含在主要部件的基本机体维护手册中,如航空电子设备、专业电子设备、发动机、螺旋桨。
D. B.当一个检查项目特别复杂,需要特殊的技术、测试设备或专业知识时,则无须将较大部件(如航空电子设备、特殊电气设备、发动机和螺旋桨等)的内部图和结构细节,或互联系统、维护、故障排除、检查或修理方面的数据等包括在基本的机体维护手册中。
E. C.如果项目具有极高的复杂性,需要专门的技术、测试设备或专业知识,则内部图示和结构细节,或系统互连、维护、故障排除、检查或维修的资料,不需要包含在主要部件的基本机体维护手册中,如航空电子设备、专业电子设备、发动机、螺旋桨。
A. IAS shall be monitored continuously until the end of the test.
B. Monitor the speed indication as long as the test continues.
C. Monitor the speed indication continuously until the end of the test.
A. The housing for the voice recorder unit has these properties: water tolerance,shock resistant and heat resistant.
B. The container for the voice recorder unit has these properties: watertproof,spin resistant and heat resistant.
C. The container for the voice recorder unit has these properties: watertight,shock resistant and heat resistant.