A、 逆时针转动调节器 60 度。
B、 逆时针旋转调节器时应当增加 60 度。
C、 逆时针旋转调节器,每次增量 60 度。
A、 逆时针转动调节器 60 度。
B、 逆时针旋转调节器时应当增加 60 度。
C、 逆时针旋转调节器,每次增量 60 度。
A. Materials used to repair layered structures must keep the rigidity,gravity,aerodynamic or electronic properties of the original assembly.
B. The materials used in the repair of laminate structures must preserve the strength,weight,aerodynamic characteristics,or electrical properties of the original assembly.
C. Materials that are used for fixing the layer structures must maintain the intensity,weight,aerodynamic or electrical properties of the original assembly.
A. 此步骤可以确保燃油泵工作正常。
B. 燃油泵必须要经过这个阶段才能正常工作。
C. 通过这个步骤保证燃料能够到泵的位置。
A. 《飞行员操作手册》是 FAR 第 23 部规章的审定要求,通勤类飞机除外。
B. 《飞行员操作手册》对有 FAR 第 23 部规章审定基础的飞机是恰当的,通勤类除外。
C. 《飞行员操作手册》适用于通过 FAR 第 23 部规章审定的飞机,但通勤类飞机除外。
A. Station shows the height along the fuselage between the reference datum and the position in inches.
B. Station is the distance of a point of fuselage to the location of reference datum along the centerline in centimeters.
C. Station means a position along the fuselage measured in inches from the reference datum.
A. The complexity and stringency of this test or check are different from the operation conditions of the unit.
B. The test or check will change in complexity and stringency no matter what the conditions under which the unit operates.
C. Such tests or checks will vary in complexity and stringency according to the conditions under which the unit functions.
A. 如果杆被意外移动,请跳过测试。
B. 如果手柄意外移动,再做一次测试。
C. 如果重新测试,确保手柄不会意外移动。
A. Make sure that the cabin differential pressure is zero before you unlock the door.
B. Be sure that the variance of the cabin pressure is zero before you open the door.
C. Make certain that the difference of the compartment compression is zero before you open the door.
A. 对于小部分飞机设计、操作或操纵特性所特有的紧急情况,应提供安全操作所必需的应急程序和其他相关信息。
B. 对于特定飞机设计、操作或操纵特性所关注的紧急情况,应提供安全操作所必需的应急程序和其他相关信息。
C. 对于特定飞机设计、操作或操纵特性所特有的紧急情况,应提供安全操作所必需的应急程序和其他相关信息。
D. C.对于特定飞机设计、操作或操纵特性所特有的紧急情况,应提供安全操作所必需的应急程序和其他相关信息。
A. 该控制组件安装在机身尾部。
B. 该控制组件安装在驾驶舱后部。
C. 该控制组件位置在驾驶舱底部。
A. Tighten the threads,nuts,clips,or connectors to the correct torque.
B. Tighten the bolts,nuts,clamps,or connectors to the correct torque.
C. Tighten the bolts,spacers,clips,or connectors to the correct torque.