A、 Make sure that the pressure in the cabin is almost zero.
B、 Verify that the cabin pressure is not above zero.
C、 Ensure that the pressure in the cabin is completely zero.
A、 Make sure that the pressure in the cabin is almost zero.
B、 Verify that the cabin pressure is not above zero.
C、 Ensure that the pressure in the cabin is completely zero.
A. 如果你不能脱开杆的位置,新杆的长度很可能需要调节。
B. 如果你不能断开杆和活塞,可能量错了新杆的长度。
C. 如果你不能接合杆和活塞,新杆的长度可能是不正确的。
A. The purpose of radar is to obtain,process and display image information.
B. Grasping,processing and displaying grafic information is the function of radom.
C. The purpose of radar is to transmit,process and caculate image information.
A. 转动凸轮以使显示器松脱。
B. 转动旋钮使显示消失。
C. 转动把手以使显示器不再显示。
A. Extend the nose landing gear.
B. Extend the main landing gear.
C. Retract the main landing gear.
A. The brackets should be connected to the nearest components.
B. Align the brackets with the adjacent components.
C. Keep the brackets engaged with the nearby components.
A. 确保装置运转良好。
B. 确保装置满足要求。
C. 确保组件是令人满意的。
A. The word list only shows major changes.
B. The word list only shows minor changes.
C. Only major changes are highlighted in the word list.
A. 打开左(右)系统面板 L42(R42)。
B. 打开左(右)组件面板 L42(R42)。
C. 打开左(右)接近面板 L42(R42)。
A. Please stand near the moving surfaces.
B. Never stay near the removed surfaces.
C. Do not stay near the moving surfaces.
A. 用干净的毛巾清洁表面。
B. 用干净的布擦表面。
C. 用干布擦表面。