A、 Grind the surface with a soft cloth after it becomes light.
B、 Rub the surface with a soft cloth when it becomes brightness.
C、 Polish the surface with a soft cloth until it becomes shiny.
A、 Grind the surface with a soft cloth after it becomes light.
B、 Rub the surface with a soft cloth when it becomes brightness.
C、 Polish the surface with a soft cloth until it becomes shiny.
A. 当有金属碎片时必须检查临近的泵。
B. 当发现金属痕迹时,必须检查所有的泵。
C. 当发现金属碎屑时,必须检查相应的泵。
A. 如果您认为雪堆会倾倒,请确保车辆处于适用的配置。
B. 如果您认为会下雪,请确保车辆处于适用的配置。
C. 如果您认为会下雪,请确保车辆处于应用限制。
A. OEUs 将主汇流条上的 5V 交流电转换成 115V 交流电以供给排呼叫灯和 12v 交流电的阅读灯。
B. OEUs 将来自主汇流条的 115V 交流电转换成用于排呼叫灯的 5V 交流电和用于阅读灯的 12v 交流电。
c、 OEUs 将来自主汇流条的 115V 交流电转换成 5V 和 12v 的直流电,用于排呼叫灯和阅读灯。
A. 连接可以连接的导线
B. 把断开的导线重新断开
C. 连接断开的导线
A. 风挡出口是在机长和副驾的挡风口前面。
B. 风挡出口是在机长和副驾遮光板的前面。
C. 风挡出口是在机长和副驾操作板的前面。
A. lf liquid spills in the kitchen, all traces of the liquid must be cleaned promptly, and the concerned area
must be completely dry.
B. if liquid spillen inside the galley ,you must remove all signs of liquid and fully dry the areas of contamination immediately.
C. lf liquid spills in the galley, all marks of the liquid must be removed at once and the polluted area must be
completely dried.
A. 当有金属碎片时必须检查临近的泵。
B. 当发现金属痕迹时,必须检查所有的泵。
C. 当发现金属碎屑时,必须检查相应的泵。
A. 为了展示简单性和易懂性,复杂系统应该按系统功能划分而不是按主系统原理图。
B. 为了便于展示和理解,复杂的系统应被划分为系统功能图,而不是整体的主原理图。
A. Put the actuators against the tires.
B. Put the chocks against the wheels.
C. Put the chain against the brakes.
A. According to the authority given to persons specified below, the unit recognized in item 3 was inspected
in the manner stipulated by authority and is approved.
B. Based on the authority given to the following stated persons, the unit described in item 3 was inspected in
the authority defined manner and gets approved.
C. Thanks to the authority given to persons as below, the unit found in item 3 was inspected in the mannerstipulated by authority which is approved.