A、 The front panel of the cellphone has a touchscreen and a home button.
B、 There is a touchscreen and a home key on the forward panel of a cordless phone.
C、 A touchscreen and a main page pushbutton are fixed on the mobile phone forward panel.
A、 The front panel of the cellphone has a touchscreen and a home button.
B、 There is a touchscreen and a home key on the forward panel of a cordless phone.
C、 A touchscreen and a main page pushbutton are fixed on the mobile phone forward panel.
A. 包含大写字母加名词或数字加名词的术语,通常用于描述某物的形状或结构。
B. 包含大写字母加名词或数字加名词的条款,通常用于描述某事的形式或特性。
C. 项目首字母加名词或者数字加名词的,通常要描述某物的外形和构造。
A. irworthiness). The CAP is the primary document containing the aircraft's continuous airworthiness procedures.
B. 、 The airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for
C. 、 CAP supplements the airplane's maintenance manual (or Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness). The supplements are Ethe major document and involve in the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane
E. the major document and involve in the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane
I. nstructions for Continuing Airworthiness). The supplements are Ethe major document and involve in the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane
A. 转动凸轮以使显示器松脱
C. 转动把手以使显示器不再显示
A. Hydraulic fluid has no effect on painted surfaces.
B. Hydraulic fluid has positive influence on painted surfaces.
C. Hydraulic fluid has passive influence on painted surfaces.
A. 当火警启动时,温度增加并引起灭火器工作。
B. 当火焰开如时,温度增加并造成触发器工作,
C. 当起火时,温度升高并使探测器工作。
A. However, the systems are independent of each other, and they do not exchange fluid.
B. However, the systems depend on each other and they cant exchange fluid.
C. The systems exchange fluid from each other and so they are independent.
A. The compartment which is above the floor and between the forward passenger partition and the
backward pressure dome is flight compartment.
B. Flight deck is the compartment below the floor and between the forward passenger partition and the
forward pressure dome.
C. The definition of the flight compartment is the compartment which is above the floor and between the
forward passenger partition and the forward pressure dome.
A. The failure of the test causes that the message under MORE DETAlLS on the display is false.
B. lf the test fails, a fault message is displayed after ‘MORE DETAILS is selected.
C. lf the test fails, fault message can be displayed below MORE DETAILS.
A. Define the amount of fuel required for the flight.
B. Calculate the quality of fuel required for the flight.
C. Decide /the quality of fuel necessary for the flight.
A. 字典中包括一些未经更新的单词,如果你可以将它们放入应用的技术名称类别中它们可以是技术名称。
B. 字典中包括一些未经批准的单词,如果你可以将它们放入适用的技术名称类别中它们可以是技术名称。
C. 字典中包括一些未经批准的单词,包括技术名称,如果你可以将它们放入适用的技术名称类别中则属于此类词汇