A、 The selection of data by manual producers which are included in this section shall be restrained by the
concepts contained in the preface of this specification,
B、 The selection of data by manual producers included in this section shall be governed by the concepts
contained in the preamble to this specification.
C、 In his selection, the producer's choice of data should be bound by concepts contained in the preamble of
this specification.
A、 The selection of data by manual producers which are included in this section shall be restrained by the
concepts contained in the preface of this specification,
B、 The selection of data by manual producers included in this section shall be governed by the concepts
contained in the preamble to this specification.
C、 In his selection, the producer's choice of data should be bound by concepts contained in the preamble of
this specification.
A. The aim of STE is that readers all over the world can easily understand the technical texts and that writers
who are responsible for preparing technical texts know how to prepare them in a easy method.
B. The objective of STE is to provide writers with general principles on how to prepare technical documents in
a clear, simple and distinct manner That readers all over the world can easily understand.
C. The function of STE is to describe how to prepare technical texts in a easy. Clear and specific way and to
allow readers all over the world to understand difficultly.
A. 工作准备总是第一个步骤,收尾或收工是最后一个步骤
B. 工作准备总是第一个步骤收尾或收工是接下来的步骤
C. 第一个步骤有时是工作准备,收尾或收工是接下来的步骤
A. The CAP hardly tends to exchange or replace any part of the related airplane maintenance manual.t
B. The CAP prefers to vary or be instead of any part of the relevant aircraft maintenance manual.
C. Any part of the applicative aircraft maintenance manual cannot be changed or replaced by the CAP.
A. 复合板材使搭接处更坚固。
B. A 加强板使搭接接头更坚固。P
C. 经过再次强化的板材使塔接凸缘承力更强。
A. Stop the engine run-up practice.
B. Stop the engine start procedure
C. Stop the engine ignition project.
A. The compressing of the spring can cause the valve to open.
B. There is no change of the valve when the spring compresses.
C. After compressing of the spring, the valve goes to closed position.
A. 适航指令是从事飞机进行维修时必须使用的程序。
B. 在航空器上执行适航指令时,必须阅读本程序。
C. 适航指令必须是对飞机维修有用的程序。
A. The main gear leg could be held by the side stay.
B. The main gear leg could be hampered by the side stay.
A. Prior to ground operations, maximum cooling of the engine bleed air is provided to avoid the overheat
damage to the wing leading edge.
B. To keep the wing leading edge from overheat damage, the engine bleed air has a maximum cooling effect
during ground operations.
C. while the aircraft is operating on the ground, the engine bleed air provides a best cooling to the wing
leading edge to renovate the damage due to overheat.
A. Write the temperature on the engine record card.
B. Record the temperature of the engine until writing it on the card.
C. Recording the temperature of the engine is done by writing it on the card.