A、 中心句是一篇文章的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
B、 总结句是一节内容的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
C、 主题句是一段话的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
A、 中心句是一篇文章的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
B、 总结句是一节内容的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
C、 主题句是一段话的第一句,也是最重要的一句。
A. Rapidly and fully retract ram air turbine and make sure that it doesn't attach to other parts
B. Slowly and fully extend the RAT and make sure that it does not touch other parts.
C. Make sure that the ram air turbine is c completely opened and it doesn't touch the other unit
A. 技术文本常常包含很长的词组,这些词组在一个句子中具有一个个词性的功能。
B. 技术文件常常由很长的词汇构成,这些词在句子中的词性只有一种。
C. 技术文件常常包括长词组,在同一句子中这些词的功能是一种词性。
A. 所有的流量控制组件,如检查活门,燃油泵,油滤,应该包含在内
B. 所有的流量控制装置应该包含在内,如单向活门、燃油泵、蓄压器
C. 所有的流量控制装置应该包含在内,如检查活门、燃油泵、蓄压器
A. If the unit is unchanged, it is necessary to monitor the ambient temperature for at least 15 cycles.
B. Keep monitoring the temperature of the unit for a minimum of 15 cycles unit you install a new one.
C. If the unit remains unchanged, its temperature should be checked for at least 15 cyc1es.
A. 将卡箍放在电缆上以将其固定到位。
B. 将线圈放在导线上以将其固定到位、
C. 将线圈放在电缆上以将其固定到位。
A. The coating thickness must be more than 0.05mm and less than 0.06mm.
B. The thickness of the second coating layer must be 0.05mm and 0.06mm
C. The thickness of primer layer must be between 0.05 mm and 0.06 mm.
A. The lower seal appears as the lower bearing is pulled down.
B. You can see the lower seal before pulling the lower bearing down.
C. Only after you pull the lower seal down can you see the lower bearing.
A. 在升降飞机时,要确保操作升降设备的人员接受过恰当的培训并具备相应的知识
B. 在对飞机进行平衡、顶升或放下时,确保人员接受过升降设备的培训并掌握相关技能
C. 当水平放置飞机或顶升飞机时,确保操作升降设备的人员学过培训知识
A. A small amount of oil remains in the starter.
B. Little oil is stored in the starter. if
C. The starter consumes a few oil
A. The shim is t, which is thick by calculating x and y.
B. Calculate the shim, the result of the thickness is x-y.
C. The thickness of the shim is thus calculated、 t=x-y