A、 如果超过 50%的污染物造成孔堵塞, 则要清理显示组件背面的孔。
B、 如果污染物造成孔堵塞超过 50%,就要清洁显示组件后面的孔。
C、 如果 50%的孔被污染物堵塞,则要清理显示组件底部的孔。
A、 如果超过 50%的污染物造成孔堵塞, 则要清理显示组件背面的孔。
B、 如果污染物造成孔堵塞超过 50%,就要清洁显示组件后面的孔。
C、 如果 50%的孔被污染物堵塞,则要清理显示组件底部的孔。
A. It is necessary to define symbols, symbols, abbreviations and terminology for the dear understanding of
the information presented in various sections of the Handbook.
B. Define signatures, short words and jargon necessary for understanding clearly of the information
contained in every section of the Handbook.
C. It is important to define signs, acronyms and nomenclature for the understanding of the information
provided in this section of the Handbook.
A. The elevators must move in an even manner.
B. The elevators must keep moving accordingly.
C. The elevators must move correspondingly.
A. 在可能的地方,将分号从定义和核准示例文本中删除是可行的。
B. 在可能和不得已的情况下,将标记符号从定义和示范示例的文本中删除。
C. 在可能和可行的情况下,将引号从定义和批准示例的文本中删除。
A. 涡轮发动机速度表通常以涡轮最大转速的百分比来测量转速。
B. 涡轮发动机转速表通常以涡轮额定最大转速的百分比来测量转速。
C. 涡轮发动机速度计通常以涡轮转动的最大速度的百分比来衡量。
A. Use only the approved forms of verbs and adjectives
B. Use only the permitted forms of verbs and adverbs.
C. Use only the applicable forms of adverbs and adjectives.
A. 确保区域测试没有人。
B. 确保测试区域没有人。
C. 确定任何人可以进入考试区域。
A. Do the tightening procedure.
B. Do the loosening procedure.
C. Do the strengthening procedure.
A. Be sure that magnet plate system 1 and magnet plate system 2 are identical.
B. Make sure that compass system 1and compass system 2 are synchronized.
C. Ensure that magnet plate system 1 and magnet plate system 2 are simultaneous.
A. The data may be supplemented by brief descriptions of additional Characteristics or features if desired.
B. If necessary ,the detail may supplement some simple descriptions of additional characteristics or properties.
C. lf desired. The detail may be added by simple presentations of additional values or properties.
A. 编写《维修手册》某些章节的技术资料时,需要机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商之间的共同协作
B. 《维修手册》中准备某些章节的技术数据需要机身制造商和各种其它部件制造商之间的共同贡献和密切协
C. 机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商可以共同协作以完成《维修手册》一些章节的技术参数们编写工作