A、 只有字典里没有出现的技术名词或者技术名词的一部分可以使用。
B、 对于词典中未批准的词,只有当它是技术名称或技术名称的一部分时才可以使用。
C、 仅当一个单词完全或部分是技术名词时,字典中未被批准的单词才可以使用
A、 只有字典里没有出现的技术名词或者技术名词的一部分可以使用。
B、 对于词典中未批准的词,只有当它是技术名称或技术名称的一部分时才可以使用。
C、 仅当一个单词完全或部分是技术名词时,字典中未被批准的单词才可以使用
A. The distance between the edge of the panels and the partition must be less than 0.05 mm.
B. The distance between the edge of the panel and the partition must be equal to 0.05mm
C. The distance between the edge of the panel and the partition must be 0.05 mm or less.
A. 不要在这些表面使用热的清洁粉。
B. 不要在热的表面使用这些清洁剂。
C. 不要在热的表面使用这些清洁泡沫
A. In the STE example, this safety description is given as a caution, but if you know about oxygen systems,
you also know that oxygen can occur explosions
B. In the non-STE example, this safety instruction is given as a caution, but if you know about oxygen systems,
you also know that oxygen can cause explosions
C. ln the non-STE example, caution is given in this safety description. But if you know about nitrogen systems,
you also know that nitrogen can cause flames,
A. Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature, obtained either from inflight temperature
indications or ground meteorological sources, a adjusted for instrument error and compressibility effects.
B. Outdoor Air Temperature is the dynamic temperature of free air, obtained from flight temperature
indications or ground meteorological sources and adjusted for instrumental error and compressibility effects.
C. Outdoor Air Temperature is free air stagnation temperature, from fight temperature indicating or ground
A. 长的复合句可以通过垂直列表简化以便理解
A. To make sure that ATC transceivers are in standby mode, you must simulate altitude, otherwise false TCAS
signals may occur intermittently.
B. Make sure the ATC transmitters are in standby mode, or false TCAS targets may occur accidentally due to
altitude simulation.
C. Make sure that the ATC transponders are in standby mode when you simulate altitude. You can
accidentally cause false TCAS targets.
A. This guide is the most useful for pilots, is also industry standardized, and the concepts in it have been
supplied basically.
B. This concept is the most useful for pilots, is also industry standardized, and the guides in it have been
confirmed basically.
C. This guide is the most useful for pilot, is also industry standardized, and the concepts in it have been
confirmed basically.
A. This document provides supplementary information to the applicable manual.
B. This document provides primary information to the applicable manual
C. This document provides special information to the applicable manual.
A. 油门杆的快速移动将引起喘振。
B. 节流阀的快速运动将造成抽吸现象。
C. 快速移动节气门将造成通气。
A. Two persons are asked to prepare the fire bottles.
B. Appoint two persons to be prepared to operate the fire extinguishers.
C. The fire is extinguished by two persons on standby.