A、 Each approved word in the dictionary is assigned a specified approved meaning, which is strictly
controlled comparing with the meaning in standard English.
B、 A specified unapproved meaning corresponds to each approved word in the dictionary that leads to the
restriction of the meaning in standard English.
C、 Comparing with the meaning of standard English, the specified approved meaning for each approved
word in the dictionary is more appropriate.
A、 Each approved word in the dictionary is assigned a specified approved meaning, which is strictly
controlled comparing with the meaning in standard English.
B、 A specified unapproved meaning corresponds to each approved word in the dictionary that leads to the
restriction of the meaning in standard English.
C、 Comparing with the meaning of standard English, the specified approved meaning for each approved
word in the dictionary is more appropriate.
A. 本规范将满足适用的政府监管要求
C. 此规范适用于相关政府部门的要求
A. 扭矩测量仪是一个显示螺旋桨传动轴可用输出扭矩的指示系统
B. 扭矩计可以显示传动轴的输出扭矩
C. 指示系统必须显示扭矩计传动轴的可用输出扭矩
A. 使用符号代表电磁活门,显示该活门是否是弹簧加载到开位或关位。
B. 应针对电磁活门标明注意事项,说明该活门应该弹簧加载到开位还是关位。
C. 电磁活门应标有符号,表明该活门是弹簧加载到开位还是关位。
A. 为了减少分配误差,推荐使用该方法,同时将系统和设备的功能特性告知所有者。
B. 为使辨别时产生的误差最小化,推荐使用该方法,同时对所有者说明系统和设备的使用方法
C. 建议采用该方法,以最大程度地减少分配出错,同时使所有者获知系统和设备的可用性。
A. The manufacturer couldn’t 't decide the information to be included on the cover.
B. The information to be included on the cover will be decided by the manufacturer.
C. The information is included on the left side of the cover by the manufacturer.
A. 组装这个组件。
B. 分解这个单元。
C. 更换这个元件。
A. 对现有分析进行了审查,以确定可能表现出较低安全裕度的部件和区域。
B. 对现有分析进行复核,对部件和区域进行标识,以显示出较低安全裕度。
C. 对于安全裕度较低的部件和区域进行标识并进行了现场分析审查。
A. Let the plate dry at applicable temperature.
B. Let the plant dry at avai1able temperature.
A. Check the cut for gaps that start at its corners.
B. Examine-the opening for cracks that start at its corners.
C. inspect the clearance of gate from the corner.)
A. It is very important to explain the fuel safety precautions.
B. It is very important to obey the fuel safety precautions.
C. Combining the fuel safety precautions is very important.