A、 附件的信息可能会通过定期培训要求传达给所有员工。
B、 额外的信息可以通过定期培训要求传达给所有员工
C、 增加的信息可以通过复训要求传达给现有员工。
A、 附件的信息可能会通过定期培训要求传达给所有员工。
B、 额外的信息可以通过定期培训要求传达给所有员工
C、 增加的信息可以通过复训要求传达给现有员工。
A. If there is no respond from the tower, select a different frequency((频率) and contact again
B. lf there is not any answer from the tower, use a different tunnel.
C. lf the tower does not respond, use a different radio device.
A. Retract the ram air turbine manually.
B. A The ram air turbine can be pushed to the retracted position manually.
C. Push the ram air turbine with your hands in the direction that the turbine retracted.
A. Separate the first part of the sentence as the subsequent items in the lateral list.
B. Apart the first part of the sentence from the Subsequent items in the horizontal list.
C. Divide the first part of the sentence from the subsequent items in the vertical list.
A. Tighten the bolts manually until you can do it with the specified tool.
B. Tighten the bolts manually if it is not feasible to doit with the specified tool.
C. In case that you cannot do it with the specified tool in case, tighten the bolts manually.
A. 维护操作包括勤务、拆卸/安装、调节/测试、检验/检查、清洁/喷漆和批准的修理,应放在排故部分的后面。
B. 维护操作包括勤务、去除/安装、调整/测试、检验/检查、清洁/油漆和批准的修理,应遵循排故部分。
C. 维护操作包括勤务,拆卸/安装、计算/测试、监控/检查、清洁/喷漆和批准的修理,应遵循排故部分。
A. Chromate is added into the primer to protect corrosion
B. A material that protects the primer from corrosion in contained in it.
C. There is corrosion-preventive material in the primer.
A. Print all pages besides wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
B. Print all pages other than wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
C. Print all pages no more than wiring diagrams and foldouts on both sides.
A. 如果左 CMC 故障,会自动转换使右 CMC 提供输出。
B. 如果左 CMC 失效,会自动打开电门,由右 CMC 提供输出。
C. 如果左 CMC 掉落,自动电门会使右 CMC 提供输出。
A. 当有金属碎片时必须检查临近的泵。
B. 当发现金属痕迹时,必须检查所有的泵。
C. 当发现金属碎屑时,必须检查相应的泵。
A. lt is suggested that nickel plated corrosion resistant steel or nickel-plated steel fittings be used as
alternatives for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the antiskid
module and parking brake module.
B. Suggest using vanadium plated corrosion resistant steel or vanadium plated steel fittings as alternatives
for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the antiskid module and
parking brake module.
C. lt is recommended that cadmium plated corrosion resistant steel of cadmium plated steel fittings be used
as replacements for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the
antiskid module and parking brake module.