A、 Words with lowercase letters are allowed in STE.
B、 STE dictionary is permitted to use the UPPERCASE letter word.
C、 In STE, a word in capital letters means that it is approved.
A、 Words with lowercase letters are allowed in STE.
B、 STE dictionary is permitted to use the UPPERCASE letter word.
C、 In STE, a word in capital letters means that it is approved.
A. The drain float valves in the vent tubes and the vent channels dilute the fuel in the vent system to drain
out of the tank when the fuel face is lower than the valve.
B. The drain float valves in the vent tubes and the vent channels permit fuel in the vent system to drain into
the tank when the fuel level is lower than the valve.
C. The drain float valves in the vent tubes and from the vent channels allow the fuel in the vent system to
drain into the tank when the fuel quantity is lower than the valve.
A. 缓慢增加压力(每分钟不少于过一圈)
B. 缓慢释放压力(每分钟不超过一 圈)
C. 缓慢增加压力(每分钟不超过一圈)。
A. 确保撑杆轮与滑道上的凸槽对齐
B. 确保转向架滚轮与轨道上的凹槽对齐。
C. 确保支架凸轮与滑轨上的滑块对齐。
A. 确保流经管路的液体没有气泡。
B. 确保管路渗漏出的油液没有气泡。
C. 确保液压油通过管路,且没有产生气泡。
A. 调试抗严扰器直到你不再听到扩音器的杂音。
B. 调整电位计,直到你听不到扬声器的嗡嗡响。
C. 当你听不到喇叭的响声,调整分压器。
A. 、 This document and the applicable airplane maintenance manual(s)complement each other.
A. The user of this schematic diagram is the mechanic
B. The user of this schematic diagram is the pilot
C. The user of this schematic diagram is the flight attendant.
A. Make sure that some of the lights on the front of the CMU do not go out.
B. Make sure that all the lights on the front the CMU do not illuminate. (亮)
C. Make sure that all the lights on the behind of the CMU do not come on.
A. Write the temperature on the engine record card.
B. Record the temperature of the engine until writing it on the card.
C. Recording the temperature of the engine is done by writing it on the card.
A. 如果由于腐蚀你不能拆卸螺栓,则涂渗透油