A、 调整加速度计的精度。
B、 准确调整陀螺仪。
C、 调整罗盘的精度。
A、 调整加速度计的精度。
B、 准确调整陀螺仪。
C、 调整罗盘的精度。
A. The Specification provides flexibility in Handbook preparation based on the complexity of the airplane
while maintaining a high degree of standardization of arrangement, definitions, and performance
B. The Specification provides flexibility in Handbook preparation based on the complicacy of the airplane, but
ignoring a high degree of standardization of structure, definitions, and performance information.
C. The Specification provides uniformity in Handbook preparation based on the simplicity of the airplane
while retaining a high degree of standardization arrangement, definitions; and performance information.
A. 这种调整的精度很重要
B. 这种调整的范围很重要
C. 这种测试的精度很重要
A. 扭矩测量仪是一个显示螺旋桨传动轴可用输出扭矩的指示系统
B. 扭矩计可以显示传动轴的输出扭矩
C. 指示系统必须显示扭矩计传动轴的可用输出扭矩
A. An in-line flow indicator is embodied in other configurations. lf there is oxygen, the color of the indicator
becomes green.
B. The oxygen is dyed green in other configurations that include an in-line flow indicator.
C. The present oxygen indicator comes on green due to an in-line flow in the other configurations.
A. The manufacturer's marks, publication title, airplane model, and issue or revision date must shown on all
B. The manufacturer 's headline, publication title, airplane model, and issue or revision date must print on all
C. The manufacturer’s, masthead, publication title, airplane model, and issue or revision date must appear on
all pages.
A. The operator's maintenance0Eorganization' must make sure that each aircraft has all inspection records.
B. Make sure that the required repair /alteration/inspection documents of each aircraft must be kept by
maintenance organization of the operator.
C. Ensure that the operator's maintenance organization has retained the required maintenance/alteration/inspection records for each aircraft.
A. 手册中所示的度量单位必须准确
B. 手册中的度量单位必须一致
C. 手册中的度量单位必须写明
A. 不要让清洁剂接触带有瑞尔森(Rilsan)涂层的零件
B. 不要使用含氯的溶剂清洁带有瑞尔森(Rilsan)涂层的零件。
C. 不可以使用含氯的瑞尔森(Rilsan)溶液清洁带有涂层的零件。
A. 当飞机离地时,最小的千斤项的高度必须小于接头和地面之间的距离。
B. 给飞机安装轮子时,千斤顶的最低闭合高度不能超过顶块和地面之间的距离。
C. 在顶起飞机之前,最小的顶升高度必须小于顶块和地面之间的距离。
A. Check such system to determine the cause of interference.
B. Examine part of the system to find the cause of the interference.
C. Examine all of the system to find the cause of the interference.