A、 Make sure that the brightness of the reticle light rapidly drops to zero.
A、 Make sure that the brightness of the reticle light rapidly drops to zero.
A. A hydraulic pump operates the motor.
B. A fuel pump operates the moto
C. A hydraulic motor operates the pump.
A. lt is suggested that nickel plated corrosion resistant steel or nickel-plated steel fittings be used as
alternatives for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the antiskid
module and parking brake module.
B. Suggest using vanadium plated corrosion resistant steel or vanadium plated steel fittings as alternatives
for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the antiskid module and
parking brake module.
C. lt is recommended that cadmium plated corrosion resistant steel of cadmium plated steel fittings be used
as replacements for aluminum fittings in the high pressure and normal brake return systems between the
antiskid module and parking brake module.
A. 那些说明可以作为定期维修所必需的参考
B. 那些指令是执行定期维护所必需的
C. 这些指示必须进行有计划维修
A. Spread a thin layer of sealing compound with a brush on the surface of the bare metal.
B. Spray a thin layer of sealing compound on the metal sheet.
C. Apply a thin layer of sealant on the bare metal.
A. The BITE function rectifies the failures and sends the failure message to the Central Maintenance
B. The failures are sent to the BlTE function and the central maintenance computer.
C. The BITE function garners the failures and sends the failure message to the central maintenance computer.
A. 检修时更换的螺母和垫圈不要丢弃,应该进行检查
B. 如果在检查过程中拆卸了螺母和垫圈,则应更换不要重复使用
C. 对拆下的螺母和垫圈要进行检查,损坏的件不可以重复使用
A. Maintenance information does not necessarily include general procedural instructions but the application
of protective treatments after inspection.
B. The maintenance information contains the general procedural instructions and the protective handling
measures after inspection.
C. The general procedural description in the maintenance information includes the protective treatment
measures after inspection.
A. lf you do not find damage during the inspection procedure, disassemble the unit.
B. lf you find damage during the inspect ion procedure, don’t assemble the unit.
C. lf you find damage during the inspection procedure, disassemble the unit.
A. Only approved personnel can do the installation procedure
B. Only releasing personnel can do the installation procedure.
C. Only authorized personnel can do the replacement procedure.
A. 确保流经管路的液体没有气泡。
B. 确保管路渗漏出的油液没有气泡。
C. 确保液压油通过管路,且没有产生气泡。