A、 The maximum distance between the plate edge and the frame is inferior to 0.05mm.
B、 The clearance between the boundary of the panel and the bay can not exceed 0.05mm.
C、 The distance between the edge of the panel and the partition must not be more than 0.05mm
A、 The maximum distance between the plate edge and the frame is inferior to 0.05mm.
B、 The clearance between the boundary of the panel and the bay can not exceed 0.05mm.
C、 The distance between the edge of the panel and the partition must not be more than 0.05mm
A. 尽可能从技术文件中提供充分的示例来支持你的提议。
B. 如果可能,请从技术文档中提供有效的示例来支持你的措施。
C. 如果可能,将从技术文档中提供足够的示例来构建你的想法。
A. 当飞机离地时,最小的千斤项的高度必须小于接头和地面之间的距离。
B. 给飞机安装轮子时,千斤顶的最低闭合高度不能超过顶块和地面之间的距离。
C. 在顶起飞机之前,最小的顶升高度必须小于顶块和地面之间的距离。
A. 始终遵守如下保持电线处于良好状况的法规
B. 始终遵守预防措施,然后保持电线处子良好状况
C. 始终遵守如下预防措施以保持电线处于良好状况
A. 如燃油面涨到通气油箱高度,则燃油将从通风口中排出。
B. 如燃油水平在通气油箱有充足高度,则燃油将从通风扇中排出。
C. 如燃油油位在通气油箱中足够高,则燃油将从通风扇中排出。
A. This procedure is only applicable to type A parts.
B. This task is only used for type A parts.
C. This procedure is applicable to all type parts.
A. 警告:确保饮用水系统未加压,加压系统可能会造成人身伤害
B. 注意:确保供应水系统没有压力,加压的系统会造成人身伤害
C. 警告、确保整个水系统未加压,加压系统可能会造成人身伤害
A. 如果能简化、缩短文本或能使文本更容易理解,则应使用插图。
B. 应该使用插图,因为插图可以简化、缩短文本,并使文本更易理解
A. This guide is the most useful for pilots, is also industry standardized, and the concepts in it have been
supplied basically.
B. This concept is the most useful for pilots, is also industry standardized, and the guides in it have been
confirmed basically.
C. This guide is the most useful for pilot, is also industry standardized, and the concepts in it have been
confirmed basically.
A. make sure that there is something in the pipe
B. make sure that there is nothing in the pipe
C. make sure that blockage is in the pipe
A. 笔记本电脑有以下主要部件。
B. 笔记本电脑有以下初级部件。
C. 笔记本电脑有以下仿制部件。