A、 All publications shall use the standard numbering system.
B、 All documents and materials shall use the standardized numbering index system
C、 All publications shall use the standard numbering system for indexing.
A、 All publications shall use the standard numbering system.
B、 All documents and materials shall use the standardized numbering index system
C、 All publications shall use the standard numbering system for indexing.
A. 这种防腐剂在华氏 109 度时融化。
C. 这种混合物在华氏 109 度时气化。
A. 调整倾斜仪,直到气泡在中心。
B. 调整水平仪,直到气泡在中心
C. 测试倾斜仪,直到泡沫在中心。
A. 油门杆的快速移动将引起喘振。
B. 节流阀的快速运动将造成抽吸现象。
C. 快速移动节气门将造成通气。
A. 连接可以连接的导线
B. 把断开的导线重新断开
C. 连接断开的导线
A. The basis for assuring an airplane remains airworthy and safe to operate is, to combine the manufacturer's
requirement Switch sound inspection and maintenance practices.
B. To ensure airworthiness and safe operation of an airplane,
instructions in the utilization of airplane and perform sound inspection and maintenance practices as well.
C. Airworthiness and safe operation are fundamental to aircraft utilization as required by the manufacturer,
so sound inspection and maintenance/practices are carried out.
A. Pull out the circuit breaker.
B. Push in the circuit breaker.
C. Remove the circuit breaker.
A. 在某些情况下,导线是以颜色编码的,这些情况向在接线图上标明。
B. 在某些情况下,导线的颜色是喷涂上去的,在线路图上标出了。
C. 在某些情况下,线路图上会标出以颜色区分的导线分布情况。
A. 、仔细评估损伤区域
A. 从新垫圈上标有 ANTENNA SIDE 的一侧 撕掉保护膜
C. 从新垫圈一侧撕掉保护膜 然后标记 ANTENNA SIDE
A. 检查流量控制管路,避免节流孔发生堵塞或被污染。
B. 检查节流孔,避免流量控制管路发生堵塞和出现污染物。
C. 检查流量控制孔,确保节流孔无堵塞和污染。