A、 The emergency procedures check list should be in concise, abbreviated form designed to remind pilots of
items to check without providing details concerning the operation of any system.
B、 The normal procedures check list which should be in concise, abbreviated form is designed to tell pilots of
items to check without providing details concerning the operation of any system.
C、 The content of the emergency procedures check list should be in concise, abbreviated form and its
purpose is to remind flight attendants of items to check with providing details concerning the operation of
any system.
A、 The emergency procedures check list should be in concise, abbreviated form designed to remind pilots of
items to check without providing details concerning the operation of any system.
B、 The normal procedures check list which should be in concise, abbreviated form is designed to tell pilots of
items to check without providing details concerning the operation of any system.
C、 The content of the emergency procedures check list should be in concise, abbreviated form and its
purpose is to remind flight attendants of items to check with providing details concerning the operation of
any system.
A. 本规范是联邦航空管理局依据咨询通告 AC91-60 制定的
B. 本规范反应了联邦航空管理局对咨询通告 AC91-60 的要求
C. 本规范是根据联邦航空管理局的咨询通告 AC91-60 制定的
A. Schematics must be readable to a normal visioned person, so legends, symbols devices, codes, etc.
should be of sufficient size. The schematic diagram should be designed to turn over the page when the
content is necessary.
B. The schematic diagram must be of sufficient size that legends, symbols, devices, codes etc., are readable by
persons with normal vision. Turn-page schematic diagram shall be avoided to the extent practical.
C. The schematics symbols, devices, codes etc. must be 1egib1e, so peop1ewith normal vision should avoid
turning the schematic pages as much as possible
A. Do not increase the temperature of the component until it is the sane as the air.
B. If the component is of the same temperature as the ambient, lower its temperature.
C. Let the temperature of the component cool to ambient.
A. 在需要折叠的页面上,折叠时不允许页码可见
B. 在需要折叠的页面上,以允许页码可见的方式折叠
C. 在需要折叠的页面上,以这样的态度来折叠,并保证页码可变
A. Briefly describe and, explain principle of operation of any new kinds of flight instruments.
B. Briefly introduce the operation principal of any new kinds of flight apparatus
C. Briefly describe and explain the operation principle of any new kinds of flight displays.
A. 当释放液压时,活门按顺序打开
B. 当液压被释放后,顺序活门移动到开位。
C. 当液压增压时,要按顺序移动来打开活门。
A. Light surface blooming, which can occur ohv items in storage, is not detrimental to the component.
B. Surface blooming, often found on corroded items; has little adverse effect on the component when it is
C. items in storage tend to have surface blooming which is beneficial to the component.
A. 在持续适航方案检查文件中,所列的模型或附件,系列飞机或装置的所有检查均应累积核算,使用者可以
B. 所列出持续适航方案检查文件中的型号和部件,系列飞机以及装置的所有检查均应合并计算。使用者允许
C. 在持续适航方案检查文件中,所列的机型或部件,系列或组件的所有检查均应累积。这将允许用户通过检
A. The rudder is a replaceable airfoil which is mounted to the vertical fin and is used for yaw control.
B. The rudder is a removable wing which is fixed to the vertical stabilizer and is used for pitch control.
C. The rudder is a removable airfoil which is attached to the vertical stabilizer and is used for yaw control.
A. 量规的精度必须符合适用的质量标准。
B. 选择量规必须参照已有的质量标准。
C. 采购护目镜必须满足相应的质量标准。