A、 “维护操作”包括维修 拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、清洁/喷漆和批准的维修,应遵循故障排除部分
B、 “维护操作“包括维修、拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、清洁/喷漆和正当的维修,,应遵循故障排除部分
C、 “维护操作”包括维修、拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、铲除/喷漆和批准的维修,应遵循故障排除部分
A、 “维护操作”包括维修 拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、清洁/喷漆和批准的维修,应遵循故障排除部分
B、 “维护操作“包括维修、拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、清洁/喷漆和正当的维修,,应遵循故障排除部分
C、 “维护操作”包括维修、拆卸/安装、调整/测试检测/检查、铲除/喷漆和批准的维修,应遵循故障排除部分
A. Procedures shall be omitted for coping with cases of smoke and/or fire in the cabin or from an engine in
the following fight segments.
B. Procedures shall be provided for accompany with cases of smoke and/or fire in the cabin or from an
engine in the following flight sectors.
C. Procedures shall be provided for coping with cases of smoke and/or fire in the cabin or from an engine in
the following flight phases.
A. The dictionary includes some unapproved words that can be technical names if you can put them in the
applicable technical name category.
B. Some approved words are included in the dictionary, they. can be technical names if they belong to
applicable technical name category.
C. The dictionary contains some unapproved words, which can be put, in separate technical name category,
they can be technical names.
页 7
A. Clean window using much quantities of soap and water.
B. Clean window using liberal quantities of soap and water.
C. Clean window with large quantities of soap and .water.
A. if one or more blades are broken, make an entry in the engine logbook
B. if one or more blades are in place, make an entry in the engine logbook
C. if one or more blades are absent, make an entry in the engine logbook
A. 对于非 FAA 批准的飞机,其声明要写在飞行手册中。
B. 对非 FAA 批准的飞机飞行手册,做如下声明。
C. 在非 FAA 批准的飞行手册中要包括以下声明。
A. 为了从表格里提取准确的性能值,需要在中位数之间挑选。
B. 为了从表中获得准确的性能值,需要在增量值之间插值。
C. 为了从表中获取准确的性能值,需要评估增长的中间值。
A. Each approved word in the dictionary is assigned a specified approved meaning, which is strictly
controlled comparing with the meaning in standard English.
B. A specified unapproved meaning corresponds to each approved word in the dictionary that leads to the
restriction of the meaning in standard English.
C. Comparing with the meaning of standard English, the specified approved meaning for each approved
word in the dictionary is more appropriate.
A. Put sealant around each screw hole.
B. Seal each screw hole.
C. Put each screw hole into sealant.
A. If there is hum from the loudspeaker, don’t adjust the potentiometer
B. Adjust then potentiometer unless hear a hum from the loudspeaker
C. Adjust the potentiometer until the loudspeaker no longer hums.
A. 如燃油面涨到通气油箱高度,则燃油将从通风口中排出。
B. 如燃油水平在通气油箱有充足高度,则燃油将从通风扇中排出。
C. 如燃油油位在通气油箱中足够高,则燃油将从通风扇中排出。