A、 在接触到升降舵调整片后缘时,将指示器归零
B、 在指示器接触到升降舵调整片前缘时,将指示器归零
C、 当连接到升降舵调整片前缘时,将指示器一次性归零
A、 在接触到升降舵调整片后缘时,将指示器归零
B、 在指示器接触到升降舵调整片前缘时,将指示器归零
C、 当连接到升降舵调整片前缘时,将指示器一次性归零
A. It is quite easy to understand long noun clusters because the words in the noun cluster have close relationship between each other.
B. lt is difficult to understand long noun clusters because the words in the noun clusters can be connected to
each other in different ways.
C. lt is quite sure that long noun clusters are fairly hard to understand because the words in the noun cluster
are related to each other in the same way.
A. Schematic diagram designers may make a compromise so as to add more details to make the diagram
self-explanatory and keep its simplicity at the same time for ease of reading and understanding.
B. ln designing schematic diagrams, It may be necessary to pay attention to both detail that is necessary to
make the diagram self-explanatory and simplicity that is essential for ease of reading and understanding.
C. Detail makes the diagram self-explanatory、 Simplicity makes it easy to read and understand is necessary to
consider both of them and make a compromise if needed when designing schematic diagrams.
A. 始终遵守如下保持电线处于良好状况的法规
B. 始终遵守预防措施,然后保持电线处子良好状况
C. 始终遵守如下预防措施以保持电线处于良好状况
A. 参考的技术文件必须包含如勤务通告、勤务信函等
B. 服务通告、勤务信函包含在技术参考文件清单中
C. 技术参考文件包括必要的文件清单,如服务通告、服务信函等
A. 加入溶剂使油漆变得更稀薄
B. 加入溶剂使油漆变得更稳定
C. 在油漆里加入更多的溶剂
A. If an AC circuit consists of resistance only,the value of the impedance is the same as the resistance.
B. If an AC circuit consists of impedance only, the value of the capacitance is the same as the impedance.
C. If an DC circuit has capacitance only,the value of the resistance is the same as the capacitance.
A. STE uses one of these acronyms including others when there are different words in English for the same thing(acronyms)
B. when there are different words in English for the same thing (synonyms), STE allows one synonym rather than others.
C. lt is allowable in STE to use one of these abbreviations when several words can express the same thing(abbreviations).
A. Remove the safety strips and tags.
B. Remove the safe clips and labels. the
A. 跳开关安装在组件的前部。
B. 跳开关位于组件侧面。
C. 跳开关安装在组件的后部。
A. 制动系统用于降低滑行速度以及发动机停车状态下的停止螺旋桨旋转
B. 制动系统是用来减少停车时间或在发动机关车的情况下使螺旋桨停止转动
C. 在发动机低速运转或螺旋桨低速旋转时,制动系统能快速刹住