A、 Make sure that some of the lights on the front of the CMU do not go out.
B、 Make sure that all the lights on the front the CMU do not illuminate. (亮)
C、 Make sure that all the lights on the behind of the CMU do not come on.
A、 Make sure that some of the lights on the front of the CMU do not go out.
B、 Make sure that all the lights on the front the CMU do not illuminate. (亮)
C、 Make sure that all the lights on the behind of the CMU do not come on.
A. 打磨两条线之间的孔洞区域。
B. 在两条线的交点上钻一个孔
C. 通过孔洞排空两条管路。
A. 如果刹车片接触到盘,根据文件移开不需要的材料。
B. 如果托架触碰到板,用锉刀去除不需要的材料。
C. 如果撑杆触及盖板,用填充剂移开不合适的材料。
A. 数据库更新正在等待中,
B. 数据库同步正在进行中
C. 数据库升级正在按顺序进行
A. 复合板材使搭接处更坚固。
B. A 加强板使搭接接头更坚固。P
C. 经过再次强化的板材使塔接凸缘承力更强。
A. lt is possible to use the same page to include the examples, associated conditions and technique. Should
there be no necessary information included, refer to the page facing the chart.
B. If the same page contains examples, associated conditions and techniques. you need to include all the
necessary information; it is forbidden to use the page that the figure faces.
C. Where possible, examples, associated conditions and technique should be presented on the same page as
the chart. lf space is not enough to include the necessary information, then the page facing the chart should
be used.
A. Do not perform any work to the aircraft during maintenance.
B. lt is forbidden to refuel the aircraft during maintenance.
c、 You can add fuel to the aircraft at any time.
A. An "Airplane Weighing Form" shall be included in each handbook and the form shall contain an airplane side view that shows the location of weighing points (using jacking points or landing gear) relative to the datum line.
B. Each handbook shall provide an aircraft side view that is included in an "Airplane Weighing Form" to show the position of weighing points (using jacking points or landing gear) related to the datum line.
C. An airplane three view that shows the weighing point)(using jacking points or undercarriage) relative to the datum line shall be excluded in an "Airplane Weighing Form" of each handbook.
A. The exit doors are mainly used for passenger boarding
B. The exit doors are only used for evacuation.
C. The exit doors are not only used for the passengers to evacuate from the airplane but also used for normal
A. The correction installation of the upper drag strut can prevent the retraction of the lower drag strut.
B. If the upper drag strut is installed improperly,the lower one will be hit during retraction.
C. The removal of the upper drag strut has to be done properly so that the lower one can fully extend.
A. 飞机维修手册或章节至少包括下列信息;说明性信息.,包括对维修或预防性维修所需要的飞机特性和数据
B. 飞机维修手册包括的内容至少有一些说明性信息,其包括对大修或预防性维修所需要的飞机特性和数据的
C. 飞机修手册或章节不仅包括下列信息,=还包括对大修或预防性维修所需要的飞机特性和数据的说明。