A、 三台计算机收集数据,与系统参数起放在连接 到显示器组件的数据链路上
B、 三台计算机从系统中更正数据和参数,将它们放在连接到显示器组件的数据链路上
C、 三台计算机收集系统数据和参数,并通过数据链接将它们一起传送给显示组件
A、 三台计算机收集数据,与系统参数起放在连接 到显示器组件的数据链路上
B、 三台计算机从系统中更正数据和参数,将它们放在连接到显示器组件的数据链路上
C、 三台计算机收集系统数据和参数,并通过数据链接将它们一起传送给显示组件
A. make sure that the flaps and the slats are retracted
B. make sure that the slats and the ailerons are retracted
C. make sure that the flaps and the elevators are extended
A. Install the cushion before you install the seat.
B. install the seat before you install the cushion.
C. Install the seat after you install the cushion.
A. If the hydraulic pump turns to generate pressure of 3000 psi, use the electric pump.
B. If the hydraulic pump fails to generate pressure of 3000 psi, use the electric pump.
C. lf the hydraulic pump turns to supply pressure of 3000 psi, use the electric pump.
A. Soak the element for two hours.
B. Wet the element for two hours.
C. Stove the element for two hours.
A. 手册建议你在流良好的区域制备混合物。
B. 制造商建议你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
C. 制造商强调你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
A. Do not make the pressure became less than (or more than)20 psi.
B. Do not let the pressure become less than (or more than)20 psi.
C. Do not let the pressure close less than (or more than) 20 psi.
A. 所有的流量控制组件,如检查活门,燃油泵,油滤,应该包含在内
B. 所有的流量控制装置应该包含在内,如单向活门、燃油泵、蓄压器
C. 所有的流量控制装置应该包含在内,如检查活门、燃油泵、蓄压器
A. Decide which hydraulic system you will pressurize
B. The pressurized hydraulic system is the best
C. Check the hydraulic system that you will pressurize.
A. You can find electronic devices in nearly all aircraft systems. They are system control and monitoring
computer, the control input $ and indications in the cockpit/and sensors throughout. The whole aircraft
B. The computer used for system control and monitoring and the control
cockpit and sensors all over the whole Aircraft are the electronic devices used in almost all aircraft system
A. 记录对蒙皮表面进行的所有修理
B. 记录对蒙皮封严进行的所有修理。