A、 当火警启动时,温度增加并引起灭火器工作。
B、 当火焰开如时,温度增加并造成触发器工作,
C、 当起火时,温度升高并使探测器工作。
A、 当火警启动时,温度增加并引起灭火器工作。
B、 当火焰开如时,温度增加并造成触发器工作,
C、 当起火时,温度升高并使探测器工作。
A. Sentence forms shall be simple and direct, avoiding the obvious, the elementary and discussions of theory
except where essential for practical understanding and application.
B. Sentence forms shall be simple and direct, avoiding the obvious and the elementary, and omitting
discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application.
C. Sentence forms shall be simple land direct iso as to avoid the obvious and the elementary, and to omit
discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application.
A. 对于非 FAA 批准的飞机,其声明要写在飞行手册中。
B. 对非 FAA 批准的飞机飞行手册,做如下声明。
C. 在非 FAA 批准的飞行手册中要包括以下声明。
A. 从安装位置向上提起气瓶
B. 向上提起做动筒到安装位置
C. 提起并安装气缸到位
A. Detection system will provide information about how to detect ice.
B. Detection system is utilized to find and display the information of ice
C. The detection information of ice from the indication system.
A. 让飞机载荷平衡是飞机所有者和机长的责任
B. 飞机被正确地系留是飞机维护者和飞行员的责任。
C. 飞机所有者和飞行员有责任确保飞机装载正常
A. some airplanes maintenance manuals have enough information so that these airplanes need CAPs
A. Notes emphasize conditions 'such as operating procedures, inspection, repair or maintenance, etc., which
may be met a appropriate.
B. Notes emphasize the conditions of operation procedure, inspection, repair or maintenance etc., must be
A. the gearbox is installed behind the pneumatic motor
B. The pump is installed behind the hydraulic motor
C. The pump is installed behind the pneumatic turbine
A. 防止部件移动以使能修理装置
B. 当你修理部件时要避免部件运动、
C. 当你修理组件时应防止部件移动
A. Check the bypass valves.
B. Close the isolating valves.
C. Inspect the check valves.