A、 Procedures for handling malfunctions or other abnormalities that are not emergent, or potentially
emergent may be delayed in this section.
B、 This Section may cover procedures for handling malfunctions or other deviations that are not of
emergency nature or involve a potential emergency that may be handled later.
C、 This Section may cover procedures for handling malfunctions or other deviations that are not emergent or
involve a potential emergency that may be deterred.
A、 Procedures for handling malfunctions or other abnormalities that are not emergent, or potentially
emergent may be delayed in this section.
B、 This Section may cover procedures for handling malfunctions or other deviations that are not of
emergency nature or involve a potential emergency that may be handled later.
C、 This Section may cover procedures for handling malfunctions or other deviations that are not emergent or
involve a potential emergency that may be deterred.
A. 每本手册应包含有一份章节清单
C. 每本手册都标明章节或其中各部分
A. 1944 年,随着空中航行法令和规章的各种要求得以实现,英国民用适航机构形成了适航标准的法典
B. 1944 年,英国制定了民用适航要求来形成空中航行指令和规则守则。
C. 1944 年,随着英国民用适航要求的制定,形成了适航标准的法典,通过该法典,空中航行法令和规章的
A. Write the temperature on the engine record card.
B. Record the temperature of the engine until writing it on the card.
C. Recording the temperature of the engine is done by writing it on the card.
A. Do not operate the brakes to decrease the pressure in the accumulators.
B. Do not control the brakes to increase the pressure in the accumulators.
C. Do not maneuver the brakes for augmentation of the pressure in the reservoir
A. These must be shown on the wiring diagram under some specific conditions and wires are color coded.
B. Wires are coded in color in certain condition, and these should be marked on the wiring diagram.
C. In some cases, wires are color coded, and these should be indicated on the wiring diagram.
A. 手册建议你在流良好的区域制备混合物。
B. 制造商建议你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
C. 制造商强调你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
A. station shows the height along the fuselage between the reference datum and the position
B. station is the distance of a point of fuselage to the location of reference datum along the
C. station means a position along the fuselage measured in inches from the reference datum
A. The airworthiness and safe operation of an airplane is assured if it's used as its original design purpose,
properly inspected and carefully maintained.
B. The manufacturer is intended to utilize an airplane with sound inspection and maintenance practices
because that is the basis for assuring the airplane remains airworthy and safe to operate.
C. The airplane is designed to be used as the manufacture 's intention. Users shall properly inspect the
airplane and do sufficient maintenance to assure its airworthiness and operation safety.
A. Maximum attitude for flight planning will be affected.
B. Maximum altitude for flight planning will be affected
C. Maximum attitude for flight planning will be affected.
A. 在持续适航方案检查文件中,所列的模型或附件,系列飞机或装置的所有检查均应累积核算,使用者可以
B. 所列出持续适航方案检查文件中的型号和部件,系列飞机以及装置的所有检查均应合并计算。使用者允许
C. 在持续适航方案检查文件中,所列的机型或部件,系列或组件的所有检查均应累积。这将允许用户通过检