A、 In flight,Flight Idle Power required for the engine to operate at slowly
speed is an important condition to ensure good engine operation and
airplane handing characteristics.
B、 Flight Idle Power is the power required for an engine to operate at
a minimum speed during flight to ensure satisfactory engine operation and
aircraft handing characteristics.
C、 In flight,good engine operation and aircraft handing characteristics
are guaranteed to provide the engine with Flight Idle Power needed to
operate at the lowest speed .
A、 In flight,Flight Idle Power required for the engine to operate at slowly
speed is an important condition to ensure good engine operation and
airplane handing characteristics.
B、 Flight Idle Power is the power required for an engine to operate at
a minimum speed during flight to ensure satisfactory engine operation and
aircraft handing characteristics.
C、 In flight,good engine operation and aircraft handing characteristics
are guaranteed to provide the engine with Flight Idle Power needed to
operate at the lowest speed .
A. 手册中应使用相同的符号,设备或代码来表示相同的系统、数值或控制装置。
B. 手册中应使用相同的符号,设备或代码来表示相同的系统、数值或调节装置。
C. 手册中应使用相同的符号,设备或代码来表示相同的系统、活门或控制装置。
A. If there is hum from the loudspeaker,don't adjust the potentiometer.
B. Adjust the potentiometer unless hear a hum from the loudspeaker.
C. Adjust the potentiometer until the loudspeaker no longer hums.
A. You may use alerts and cautions to emphasize some important places.
B. The important parts must be highlighted by using the warnings,cautions
and notes.
C. Warning,cautions and notes may be used to highlight or emphasize
important points.
A. 操作程序、检查、修理或维护程序,如果不正确遵循,可能导致人身伤害或
B. 操作程序、检查、修理,如果不正确遵循,可能导致人身伤害或生命损失。
C. 操作程序、检查、修理或维护程序,如果不正确遵循,可能导致设备损伤或
A. 一旦确定了活门或控制装置的符号或设备,则应在整个手册中将其用于相关
B. 只要确定了活门或控制装置的特征或设备,则应在整个手册中将其用于此类
C. 一旦确定了活门或控制装置的符号或设备,则应在整个手册中将其用于此类
A. the pump did not operate because the shaft was broken.
B. The pump did not operate does the shaft was broken.
C. the pump did not work as the shaft was broken.
A. 维修手册中准备某些章节的技术数据需要机身制造商和各种其它部件制造商
B. 编写维修手册某些章节的技术资料时,需要机身制造商和各种其他部件制造
C. 机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商可以共同协作以完成维修手册,一些章节的
A. 任何维修异常都应立即通知营运人和维修人员。
B. 任何维修异常随后都会引起营运人和维修人员的注意。
C. 任何维修异常都应按顺序通知营运人和维修人员。
A. 单词 WARNING(警告)使用 14 号字小写粗体,警告文本使用 10 号字大写粗
B. 单词 WARNING(告诫)使用 14 号字大写粗体,警告文本使用 10 号字大写粗
C. 单词 WARNING(警告)使用 14 号字大写粗体,警告文本使用 10 号字大写粗
A. 当要求在页面上垂直复制插图时,插图的顶部应始终朝向纸张的左边缘。
B. 当要求在页面上水平复制插图时,插图的顶部应始终朝向纸张的左边缘。
C. 当要求在页面上垂直复制插图时,描述的顶部应始终朝向纸张的左边缘。