A、 Calculate the pressure with the right formula.
B、 Calculate the pressure with the simple formula.
C、 Calculate the pressure with the applicable formula.
A、 Calculate the pressure with the right formula.
B、 Calculate the pressure with the simple formula.
C、 Calculate the pressure with the applicable formula.
A. Other information like GAMA membership identification, copyright
notice, etc., may be added. CAP producer shall determine the format and
layout, and they shall resemble the producer's existing documents.
B. Additional information, such as GAMA membership identification,
copyright notice, etc., may be included. Format and layout is to be decided
by the CAP producer, recognizing the it is desirable that they should be
familiar to the producer's existing documents.
C. Cap producer may include other information like GAMA membership
identification, copyright notice, etc., and determine the format and
layout which should be distinct from the producer's existing documents.
A. Maximum Landing Weight is maximum weight approved for the landing
C. Maximum Landing Weight is minimum weight provided for the landing
A. 垂直列表使复杂的长句子更容易阅读和理解。
B. 垂直方向上的清单使复杂的长句子更容易读取和理解。
C. 长的复合句可以通过垂直列表简化以进行阅读和理解。
A. 从冷冻室里取出来之后,铆钉必须在 15 分钟之内完成装配。
B. 从冷冻室里取出来之后,铆钉必须放置 15 分钟以后才能装配
C. 从冷冻室里取出来 15 分钟之内不可以装配。
A. 注意、本系统不能超出 CAP 未涵盖项目的正常通信渠道。
B. 注意、本系统不取代 CAP 未涵盖项目的正常通信渠道。
C. 注意、本系统不能紧随 CAP 未涵盖项目的正常通信渠道。
A. 可选信息,包括(但不限于)用于选择 CAP 的基本原理-如何确定 CAP 的要求。
B. 操作信息,包括(但不限于)用于选择 CAP 的结构-怎样制定 CAP 的要求。
C. 可选信息,包括(但不限于)用于选择 CAP 的依据-CAP 的要求是如何确定。
A. 发动机的驱动马达没有点火。
B. 启动发动机但不点火。
C. 带转发动机但不点火。
A. This work is applicable to horizontal installations.
B. This work is applicable to direction installations.
C. This work is applicable to vertical installations.
A. 简介中应包含主题的字母索引,用于定位重要的电路。
B. 字母表应按照主题分类后在简介中列出,用于定位理想电路。
C. 简介中应包含主题分类的字母索引,以帮助查找所需的电路。