A、 In this specification, for those who do not have an established code,individual electrical symbols are given as a suggestion.
B、 As a suggestion for those who do not have an established code, individual
electrical symbols are gained in this specification.
C、 As a suggestion for those who do not have an established code, individual
electrical symbols are required in this specification.
A、 In this specification, for those who do not have an established code,individual electrical symbols are given as a suggestion.
B、 As a suggestion for those who do not have an established code, individual
electrical symbols are gained in this specification.
C、 As a suggestion for those who do not have an established code, individual
electrical symbols are required in this specification.
A. server control unit
B. service control unit
C. servo control unit
A. 只有经过授权的人员方可以留在该区域。
B. 只有经过改装的人员方可以留在该区域。
C. 只有经过检验的人员方可以留在该区域。
A. In terms of format, style and method of presentation of the rules written
in this specification, the material contained in Maintenance Manuals
designed by manufacturers should be prepared under the guidance of the
B. In terms of format, style and method of presentation, the material
contained in Maintenance Manuals designed by manufacturers should be made
in accordance with the rules written in this specification.
C. The material contained in Maintenance Manuals designed by manufacturers
should be prepared under the guidance of the rules written in this
specification In terms of format, style and method of presentation.
A. 所有范围距离均应以英里表示。
B. 所有范围距离均应以公里表示。
C. 所有范围距离均应以海里表示。
B. When making this specification,we use the exact identical construction
rules with FAA in making its specifications.
A. The fueling hose must not hit the side of the tank.
B. The fueling hose must not hit the edge of the tank.
C. The fueling hose must not bond the edge of the tank.
A. 无线电高度表在初始爬升时确定飞机距离地面的高度,确定飞机是否进入进近
B. 无线电高度表在初始爬升、进近和着陆阶段确定飞机的地形和高度。
C. 无线电高度表在初始爬升、进近和着陆阶段确定飞机距离地面的高度。
A. 无论是否经过书面许可,都不得以任何形式复制本文件的任何部分。
B. 经出版者书面许可,可以复制本文件的任何部分。
C. 未经出版者书面许可,不得以任何形式复制本文件的任何部分。
A. control
B. continue
C. contents
A. 通常,当在章节末尾或出版物的后部增加页面--不影响手册中的页面时--必
B. 通常,当在章节一端或出版物的背面增加页面--不影响手册中的页面时--必
C. 通常,当在章节末尾或出版物的背面增加页面--不影响手册中已经存在的页