A、 如果组件变得很干净,那么组件的寿命将会增加。
B、 如果组件变得很脏,那么将降低组件的使用率。
C、 如果组件变得很脏,那么组件的寿命将会缩短。
A、 如果组件变得很干净,那么组件的寿命将会增加。
B、 如果组件变得很脏,那么将降低组件的使用率。
C、 如果组件变得很脏,那么组件的寿命将会缩短。
A. 做腐蚀检查。
B. 做损害检查。
C. 检查由腐蚀造成的损伤。
A. Send the results of the audit to the quality department
B. Tell the quality department about the results of the analysis
C. Let the quality department know the results of audit
A. 垂直列表使复杂的长句子更容易阅读和理解。
B. 垂直方向上的清单使复杂的长句子更容易读取和理解。
C. 长的复合句可以通过垂直列表简化以进行阅读和理解。
A. The wind speeds recorded as alterables on the diagrams of this Handbook
shall be understood as the headwind or tailwind components of the reported
wind .
B. The wind velocities recorded as variables on the charts of this Handbook
are goning to be understood as the headwind or tailwind constituents of
the reported wind .
C. The wind velocities recorded as immutables on the charts of this
A. 因 CAP 是针对特定的零件或部件,可得知检查将包括对零件和设备周围区域的
B. 由于 CAP 是针对特定的零件或部件,可推测出检查将包括对零件和设备周围区
C. 只要 CAP 是针对特定的零件或部件,就意味着检查将包括对零件和设备周围区
A. Other information like GAMA membership identification, copyright
notice, etc., may be added. CAP producer shall determine the format and
layout, and they shall resemble the producer's existing documents.
B. Additional information, such as GAMA membership identification,
copyright notice, etc., may be included. Format and layout is to be decided
by the CAP producer, recognizing the it is desirable that they should be
familiar to the producer's existing documents.
C. Cap producer may include other information like GAMA membership
identification, copyright notice, etc., and determine the format and
layout which should be distinct from the producer's existing documents.
A. Adjust the clinometer until the bubble is in the center.
B. Adjust the thermometer until the bubble is in the center.
C. Adjust the hygrometer until the bubble is in the center.
A. if the engine appears to be heating, turn it off.
B. if the engine appears to be overheating, turn it off.
C. if you think the engine is too hot, turn the switch to “off”.
A. arms
B. activates
C. releases
A. 液位计带有一个 80 立方厘米的透明腔体。
B. 液位计带有一个 80 立方厘米的转换腔体。
C. 液位计带有一个 80 立方厘米的次级腔体。