A、 识别出有代码的部件,可以帮助再次正确安装。
B、 用编码标识复合材料,以帮助再次正确安装。
C、 用代码标识部件,以帮助正确地再次安装。
A、 识别出有代码的部件,可以帮助再次正确安装。
B、 用编码标识复合材料,以帮助再次正确安装。
C、 用代码标识部件,以帮助正确地再次安装。
A. 显示器必须与表中的数值一致。
B. 根据显示要求必须与台架上的活门保持相同。
C. 显示结果必须与表中的数值一致。
A. 拆卸密封胶和钝铁楸。
B. 用锋利的铲子去除密封胶。
C. 用钝刮刀刮掉密封胶。
A. 所有官方技术名称都由三个以上名词组成,在第一次出现时都是完整的然后,在正文的其余部分,使用相关
B. 所有由三个以上名词组成的官方技术名称都要写全第一个词然后,在正文的其余部分,使用相关的正规缩
C. 所有由三个以上名词组成的官方技术名称在文中第一次出现时都是使用全称之后在文章的其余部分使用
A. Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal of abnormal conditions such as with
engines removed, aircraft damaged, etc. neither short-term nor long-term.
B. Instructions required for parking or storing the aircraft under normal or abnormal conditions such as engine removal aircraft damage etc. which are used for short-term or long-term under extreme weather conditions.
C. Those instructions necessary to park or store the aircraft in normal or abnormal conditions such as with engines removed aircraft damaged, etc. either short-term or long term.
A. 停止测试 2 秒钟
B. 2 秒后启动测试
C. 2 秒后终止测试
A. 前言内容如下、建立 CAP 方案的原因和遵循特定 CAP 需要防止的潜在问题。CAP 与产品正常检查方案的关
B. 前言包含下列信息、创建 CAP 项目的主要原因以及需要避免发生的根本问题。CAP 与产品例行检查方案的
C. 前言部分包含以下信息、创建 CAP 程序的潜在原因以及遵循 CAP 需要避免发生的根本问题。CAP 与产品常
A. If an aileron or spoiler surface failed, the laws are reconfigured to keep the load alleviation capability.
B. If an aileron or spoiler surface activated, the laws are reconfigured to keep the load alleviation capability
C. If an aileron or spoiler surface replaced, the laws are configured to keep the load alleviation capability.
A. Such tests or checks will be completed according to the conditions.
B. Such tests or checks will be very complex according to the conditions
C. Such tests or checks will be different in complexity according to the conditions
A. Schematic diagram designers may make a compromise so as to add more details to make the diagram
self-explanatory and keep its simplicity at the same time for ease of reading and understanding.
B. ln designing schematic diagrams, It may be necessary to pay attention to both detail that is necessary to
make the diagram self-explanatory and simplicity that is essential for ease of reading and understanding.
C. Detail makes the diagram self-explanatory、 Simplicity makes it easy to read and understand is necessary to
consider both of them and make a compromise if needed when designing schematic diagrams.
A. 在设计的概要图里,可能需要在让图表内容详实和便于阅读理解的简单之间妥协。
B. 在设计原理图时,可能有必要在使图不言自明所需要的细节和易于阅读和理解所必需的简单之间作出折衷。
C. 在设计插图的过程,涵盖细节来让图表自行展示且方便阅读和理解是有必要的。