A、 这些 BAA 适航指令提供了关于持续适航要求的具体信息,用于所有者/运营人。
B、 这些 FAA 咨询通告为制造商和所有者/运营人提供了关于持续适航要求的具体信息。
C、 这些 FAA 咨询通告提供了关于初始适航要求的具体信息,用于所有者/运营人。
A、 这些 BAA 适航指令提供了关于持续适航要求的具体信息,用于所有者/运营人。
B、 这些 FAA 咨询通告为制造商和所有者/运营人提供了关于持续适航要求的具体信息。
C、 这些 FAA 咨询通告提供了关于初始适航要求的具体信息,用于所有者/运营人。
A. However, manufacturers may omit System/Chapters that are not applicable to the product or combine
Systems/Chapters where it is feasible.
B. However, manufacturers may adopt Systems/Chapters that are not applicable to the product or constitute
systems/Chapters when necessary
C. However, operators may omit Systems/Chapters applicable to the product or constitute Systems/Chapters
where practical.
A. 制定本规范的目的是为了降低成本
B. 本规范是为了减少失误而制定的
C. 规范的制定是为了发展航空安全
A. This procedure is only for repairs that include a very small number of screws.
B. This procedure is only for repairs that include a very small number of nuts.
C. This procedure is only for repairs that include a very small number of rivets.
A. There are trim tabs at the rear of both ailerons.
B. There are trim tabs at the rear of both flaps.
C. There are trimmable stabilizers at the rear of both elevators.
A. 检查密封件是否有缺陷
B. 检查密封胶是否有缺陷
C. 检查封严是否有缺失
A. 必须要注意不要损坏防火墙罩。
B. 小心损坏火墙盖子
C. 核心必须要带走以不损坏防火墙罩。
A. The Handbook producer can choose the alternatives in addition to his limited choice or otherwise limited.
A. 冷却组件用来冷却风扇管道中的空气。
B. 点火组件是由来自风扇涵道的空气进行冷却的。
C. 加热组件是在风扇涵道的空气里进行冷却的。
A. Elevator move is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
B. Elevator trip is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
C. E1evatbr travel is limited by the stroke of the elevator power control units.
A. 安装指示器时将其向后方倾斜。
B. 为了安装指示器,应将其向后移动。
C. 安装指示器时将其向前移动。