A、 确保装置底部的两个接线板接合。
B、 确保装置底部的两个插口接合。
C、 确保装置底部的两个接线板接通。
A、 确保装置底部的两个接线板接合。
B、 确保装置底部的两个插口接合。
C、 确保装置底部的两个接线板接通。
A. Ground Control depicts minimum diameter of turning for taxiing and ground operation.
B. Ground Control describes minimum radius of turn for taxiing and ground handling.
C. The least radius of turn for taxiing and ground maneuver is described in Ground control.
A. These tests need no special equipment or facilities except those installed on the aircraft and are like the
tests performed by flight crews.
B. These tests need some special equipment or facilities that are not installed on the aircraft. And these tests
are the same to the tests performed by flight crews.
C. These tests need special equipment or facilities that are installed on the aircraft with the tests performed
by flight crews.
A. The specification of major components maintenance, troubleshooting inspection and repair data is
according to the format of the manufacturers.
B. The major components manufacture s need to prepare all maintenance related data as specified format.
C. The maintenance, troubleshooting inspection and repair data in to be prepare in the format of this
specification by the major components manufacturers
A. 请勿将工具和碎片置于发动机附近。
B. 把除工具外的其它物品(例如碎片)从发动机附近清除
C. 把工具和发动机上的碎片移除。
A. 保留勤务部件,更换那些损坏的
B. 报废损坏的部件后,保留所有可用的。
C. 保留所有可用的部件,报废那些损坏的。
A. If there is no respond from the tower, select a different frequency((频率) and contact again
B. lf there is not any answer from the tower, use a different tunnel.
C. lf the tower does not respond, use a different radio device.
A. The Manufacture recommends that Buyer's qualified technicians inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or
replace systems and components recommended by the Manufacturer that may be repairable o replaceable
during normal maintenance procedures. The Manufacturer shall provide sufficient information in the
Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance data.
B. The Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data provided by the manufacturer to the Purchaser shall
contain enough information to enable qualified mechanics to inspect, troubleshoot test and repair or replace
all systems and units that the Manufacturer regarded to be repairable or replaceable during normal
maintenance procedures.
C. The Manufacturer shall provide the Purchaser with adequate information to enable the mechanics to do
qualified work, such s to inspect troubleshoot test and repair or replace all systems and components that
repairable or replaceable with reference to the Maintenance Manual and/or Maintenance Data ad required
A. 如果左 CMC 故障,会自动转换使右 CMC 提供输出。
B. 如果左 CMC 失效,会自动打开电门,由右 CMC 提供输出。
C. 如果左 CMC 掉落,自动电门会使右 CMC 提供输出。
A. 如果你在英语字典里找不到想用的词,在 STE 字典中搜索这个词直到找到最好的同义词
B. 如果你在词典里找不到想用的词,在英语字典中搜索这个词从而找到最优的近义词。
C. 如果你想用的词不在字典里,在英语字典中搜索这个词,找到 STE 字典中列出的最优的同义词。
A. If the unit is not modified, its service life will be possibly shorter.
B. Without the modification of the unit, its service life is likely shorter than present.
C. Without the modification, it is possible that the service life of this unit will be shorter than usual.