A、 接通断路器。
B、 打开电路接头。
C、 拔出跳开关。
A、 接通断路器。
B、 打开电路接头。
C、 拔出跳开关。
A. This is the low limit of flight speed a t which the airplane can be controlled directionally and laterally.
B. This is the upper limit of flight speed at which the aircraft is directionally and later ally controllable.
C. This is the largest flight speed at which the airplane is directionally and laterally steerable.
A. Exterior Plates and Signs are required for ground servicing instructions, checks, warnings and cautions.
B. External Placards and Symbols are necessary for ground servicing instructions, inspections warnings and
A. Elevator move is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
B. Elevator trip is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
C. E1evatbr travel is limited by the stroke of the elevator power control units.
A. Use a hole instrument to examine the turbine internally
B. Use a borescope to examine the combustor internally.
C. Use a hole instrument to examine the combustor externally.
A. 要先安装螺钉(10),才能安装盖组件(9
B. 要拆下盖组件(9),首先要拆下这四个螺钉(10)
C. 要拆下螺母(9),首先要拆下这四个螺栓(10
A. Get the approval of the design authority whatever it is necessary to change the repair scheme.
B. Change the repair scheme, until getting the approval of the design authority.
C. lf it is necessary to change the repair scheme, get the approval of the design authority.
A. 推荐的燃油节约信息应整合到本节中,以便向飞行员展示如何在飞行过程中尽量减少燃油的使用。
B. A 推荐将燃油节约信息整合到本节中,为了向飞行员展示在飞行中尽量减少燃油的使用。
C. 此节整合了推荐的燃油使用信息,以便向飞行员展示如何在飞行过程中做到尽量少的使用燃油。
A. 如果你在英语字典里找不到想用的词,在 STE 字典中搜索这个词直到找到最好的同义词
B. 如果你在词典里找不到想用的词,在英语字典中搜索这个词从而找到最优的近义词。
C. 如果你想用的词不在字典里,在英语字典中搜索这个词,找到 STE 字典中列出的最优的同义词。
A. 参考的技术文件必须包含如勤务通告、勤务信函等
B. 服务通告、勤务信函包含在技术参考文件清单中
C. 技术参考文件包括必要的文件清单,如服务通告、服务信函等
A. 检查油管,对于磨损的区域。
B. 磨削管道并检查。
C. 检查管道是否磨损。