A、 永久装订的手册页无需注明日期。
B、 临时装订的手册页无需注明日期。
C、 临时装订的手册页无需注释。
A、 永久装订的手册页无需注明日期。
B、 临时装订的手册页无需注明日期。
C、 临时装订的手册页无需注释。
A. A mixture of fuel and oxygen can cause an explosion
B. A mixture of fuel and nitrogen can cause an burn.
C. A mixture of gas and oxygen should cause an explosion.
A. The rules containing in this specification shall provide a guide to the formatting, type and method of all
present documents in the manufacturer's maintenance manual.
B. The rules in this specification are served as a guide for the format style and way of representation for all
materials contained in manufacturer's maintenance manual
C. The rules contained in this specification shall serve as guides for format, style and method of presentation
for' all material included in maintenance manuals prepared by manufacturers.
A. 检查后再次拉长连杆。
B. 测试后再次移动连杆。
C. 检查后再次调节连杆
A. 拧松螺钉,但同时不要给它们打力矩
B. 拧紧螺母,但此时不要给它们打力矩
A. 加油活门可以在前起落架减震支柱下部找到
B. 充气活门位于前起落架减震支柱顶部
C. 充气活门可以在前起落架顶部的减震支柱上面找到
A. 从安装位置向上提起气瓶
B. 向上提起做动筒到安装位置
C. 提起并安装气缸到位
A. Make sure that you quarantine the removed insulation material.
B. Make sure that you recycle the removed insulation material.
C. Make sure that you quarantine the removed composite material.
A. Turn the knob clockwise to decrease the intensity of the light.
B. Turn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the intensity of the light.
C. In order to turn the knob clockwise, decrease the intensity of the light
A. Since airplanes usually have long service lives, their flights are surely safe.
B. It is mandatory to ensure the flight safety because of the iong1ives of airplanes
C. Despite the long lives of airplanes, their flight safety cannot be assured
A. 大量的高压燃油供油用于作动筒控制和到燃烧室的计量燃油,其余部分通过溢流活门返回给低压系统。
B. 除作动器控制和到燃烧室的计量燃油外,过量的高压燃油供油通过溢流阀返回给低压系统。
C. 超量的高压燃油供油用于作动筒控制和到燃烧室的计量燃油,之后通过减压阀返回给低压系统