A、 后缘襟翼有 25 个以上的组件。
B、 后缘襟翼超过 25 个单位。
C、 前缘襟翼超过 25 个单位。
A、 后缘襟翼有 25 个以上的组件。
B、 后缘襟翼超过 25 个单位。
C、 前缘襟翼超过 25 个单位。
A. 每个主燃油箱的通气油箱外侧控制溢出的燃油和排气系统中的燃油。
B. 每个主燃油箱外侧的通气油箱收集溢出的燃油和来自排气系统中的燃油。
C. 每个主燃油箱的通气油箱从外侧防止排气系统中的燃油溢出。
A. 用设置开关以重置运行时间。
B. 用重置按钮以重置运行时间。
C. 用重置按钮以重置格林威治时问。
A. Make sure that the movement limits of the flight control surfaces are free.
B. Make ‘sure that the travel ranges of the flight control surfaces are clear
C. Make sure that the travel limits of the flight control rudders are clean.
A. 微处理器卡可以更换。
B. 微处理器卡可以互换。
C. 微处理器卡可以改变。
A. When wheel is dried, clean with the compressed air.
A. The maximum distance between the plate edge and the frame is inferior to 0.05mm.
B. The clearance between the boundary of the panel and the bay can not exceed 0.05mm.
C. The distance between the edge of the panel and the partition must not be more than 0.05mm
A. Peel the coating from the harness.
B. Strip the insulation from the wire.
C. Stripe the insulation from the harness.
A. 在将飞机恢复至初始状态前,确保已完成该步骤。
B. 确保在完成该步骤前,先将飞机置于初始状态。
C. 将飞机拖回初始位置前,应确保已完成该步骤。
A. If the airframe manufacturer modifies the component manufacturer's text or description by any means, he
shall use his own headmaster.
B. lf the airframe manufacturer changes the component manufacturer's text or illustration in any way, he shall
apply his own masthead
C. If the airframe manufacturer changes the component manufacturer's text or illustration in one way, he shall
modify his own masthead.
A. An in-line flow indicator is embodied in other configurations. lf there is oxygen, the color of the indicator
becomes green.
B. The oxygen is dyed green in other configurations that include an in-line flow indicator.
C. The present oxygen indicator comes on green due to an in-line flow in the other configurations.