A、 微处理器卡可以更换。
B、 微处理器卡可以互换。
C、 微处理器卡可以改变。
A、 微处理器卡可以更换。
B、 微处理器卡可以互换。
C、 微处理器卡可以改变。
A. When you change a word with the alternative, you must. ensure that the meaning of the sentence varies.
B. The meaning of the sentence can be different when you use the alternative you select to replace a word.
C. Always keep the same meaning of the sentence when you use the alternative to replace a word.
A. C The manufacturer shall prepare all text in either one or two columns with justification at his own
discretion , but two columns are preferable for readability.
B. Manufacturers shall prepare all text both in one and two columns separately; however, two columns are
better for reading.
C. According to the manufacturer explanations all text shall be prepared in one or two columns,however,
two columns have better visual effect.
A. Elevator move is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
B. Elevator trip is limited by the move of the elevator power control units.
C. E1evatbr travel is limited by the stroke of the elevator power control units.
A. Outside air temperature is the free air static temperature, obtained either from temperature indications onboard on ground meteorological sources,; adjusted for instrument error and compressibility effects.
B. Outside air temperature is the free air static temperature, acquired either from inflight temperature indications or ground geological sources, modified by instrument error and compression effects.
A. Add a bracket if necessary.
B. Add a fastener if necessary.
C. Add a washer if necessary.
A. 、持续权威程序测试通常由两页组成、 一个文本页和一个图解页
A. Restore sections that relate to certain types of trouble
B. Locate sections that relate in general types of trouble.
C. Recognize sections that lead to particular types of trouble.
A. Make sure that the oil in the hydraulic tank is above the minimum lever.
B. Make sure that the fluid in the hydraulic reservoir is above the minimum level.
C. Make sure that the fluid in the fuel reservoir is below the maximum level.
A. Do not increase the temperature of the component until it is the sane as the air.
B. If the component is of the same temperature as the ambient, lower its temperature.
C. Let the temperature of the component cool to ambient.
A. 结构或设备的改装可以改变基本质量和重心坐标。
B. 结构或设备大修可以造成基本质量和重心协调的改变。
C. 基本质量和重心改变后需要进行结构或设备的改装。