A、 如果破坏只针对中心轮毂,这个机轮是可以使用的.
B、 如果只损坏中间的胎面,这个轮胎是可以使用的。
C、 如果只伤及中间的纹理,这个轮胎是可维护的。
A、 如果破坏只针对中心轮毂,这个机轮是可以使用的.
B、 如果只损坏中间的胎面,这个轮胎是可以使用的。
C、 如果只伤及中间的纹理,这个轮胎是可维护的。
A. The CAP hardly tends to exchange or replace any part of the related airplane maintenance manual.t
B. The CAP prefers to vary or be instead of any part of the relevant aircraft maintenance manual.
C. Any part of the applicative aircraft maintenance manual cannot be changed or replaced by the CAP.
A. 对现有分析进行了审查,以确定可能表现出较低安全裕度的部件和区域。
B. 对现有分析进行复核,对部件和区域进行标识,以显示出较低安全裕度。
C. 对于安全裕度较低的部件和区域进行标识并进行了现场分析审查。
A. 操作增压的系统时会导致人员受伤
A. 允许在下午 9 点到上午 6 点之间进入基地。
B. 允许在上午 9 点到下午 6 点之间审核基地。
C. 允许在上午 9 点到下午 6 点之间进入基地
A. 如果故障频繁出现,进行系统测试。
B. 如果故障定期出现进行系统测试。
C. 如果故障随机出现,进行操作测试。
A. For vocabulary, only main alternation are highlighted, minor alternations to many approved and not approved examples are not highlighted.
B. For wordlist, only major changes are highlighted, minor changes to various approved and not approved examples are not highlighted.
C. For vocabulary, only main alternation are prominent, minor alternations to many approved and not approved examples are not prominent.
A. The power required to run an engine, in flight, at the lowest speed that will ensure satisfactory engine
operation and airplane handling system.
B. The power required to run an engine, in flight, at the lowest speed that will ensure satisfactory engine
operation and airplane handling characteristics.
C. The power required to run an engine,
operation and airplane handling characteristics.
A. In the STE example, this safety description is given as a caution, but if you know about oxygen systems,
you also know that oxygen can occur explosions
B. In the non-STE example, this safety instruction is given as a caution, but if you know about oxygen systems,
you also know that oxygen can cause explosions
C. ln the non-STE example, caution is given in this safety description. But if you know about nitrogen systems,
you also know that nitrogen can cause flames,
B. 如果在最终印刷版之后必须添加一页,则给添加的页面使用带字母前级的后一页页码(刺如,第 1-6A 页、
A. 如果情况发生变化,则使用不同的材料。
B. 如果情况发生改变,则使用不同的建筑物。
C. 如果意思有变化,则使用不同的结构。