A、 When the temperature of vent rises to 27℃, the exhaust pipe opens
B、 When the ventilation temperature is above 27℃, the drain mast opens.
C、 When the temperature of the ventilation air increases to 27 ℃, the discharge valve opens.
A、 When the temperature of vent rises to 27℃, the exhaust pipe opens
B、 When the ventilation temperature is above 27℃, the drain mast opens.
C、 When the temperature of the ventilation air increases to 27 ℃, the discharge valve opens.
A. 确保装置底部的两个接线板接合。
B. 确保装置底部的两个插口接合。
C. 确保装置底部的两个接线板接通。
A. Be sure that the clamp is positioned together with those you removed
B. Make sure that the position4of the clamp corresponds toa the position recorded during the removal
C. The position of the clamp should be aligned with the position of the clamp that you removed.
A. Ground Control depicts minimum diameter of turning for taxiing and ground operation.
B. Ground Control describes minimum radius of turn for taxiing and ground handling.
C. The least radius of turn for taxiing and ground maneuver is described in Ground control.
A. Each section shall be started on a right-hand page.
B. Each section shall be started on a left-hand page.
C. Each section shall be proceeded from a right-hand column.
A. 打磨两条线之间的孔洞区域。
B. 在两条线的交点上钻一个孔
C. 通过孔洞排空两条管路。
A. This Specification was issued by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association.
B. This Specification was revised by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association.
C. This Specification was compiled by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association.
A. 如果危险被含糊描述,人员在执行任务时要了解风险,之并更加小心。
B. 危险是否被清楚说明,以致于执行任务的人是否有必要了解风险,并更加小心。
C. 如果清楚说明了危险,执行任务的人就会了解风险且更加小心。
A. 编写本 CAP 旨在扩大现有的检查要求,以进一步保证飞机在初始认证范围内的性能。
B. 本 CAP 准备延伸目前的检查要求,以更远地保证飞机在初始认证极限内的性能能力。
C. 准备本 CAP 的要求是想要加强现有的检查,作为飞机在原认证范围内执行能力的更好保证。
A. 注意,如果没有正确执行以下步骤会导致人员伤亡
B. 警告如果你不正确听从指挥,则会导致人员伤亡
C. 如果没有正确遵循警告中的要求,将会导致人员伤亡
A. 用黑色字体在页面外侧对改版、补充和删除进行说明,对应于已经更改的部分打印内容。
B. 应在书页外侧以垂直黑线标记修订、增加和删除之处,仅对应于印刷件中已更改的内容。
C. 对于经过修订和增删的文字,沿书页外侧用粗黑直线加以标识,并仅打印修改。内容部分。