A、 In some cases, extension of inspection intervals may be possible if the data suggests that the onset of
fatigue problems occurs at a greater number of flight hours than initially predicted.
B、 ln some. Cases, if the data shows that the number of flight hours of fatigue problems occurring is greater
than initially predicted, it is possible to extend the duration of inspection.
C、 ln some cases, if the data suggests that the fatigue problem initially emerges at more flight- hours than
originally predicted lengthening of inspection intervals is compulsory.
A、 In some cases, extension of inspection intervals may be possible if the data suggests that the onset of
fatigue problems occurs at a greater number of flight hours than initially predicted.
B、 ln some. Cases, if the data shows that the number of flight hours of fatigue problems occurring is greater
than initially predicted, it is possible to extend the duration of inspection.
C、 ln some cases, if the data suggests that the fatigue problem initially emerges at more flight- hours than
originally predicted lengthening of inspection intervals is compulsory.
A. 显示器必须与表中的数值一致。
B. 根据显示要求必须与台架上的活门保持相同。
C. 显示结果必须与表中的数值一致。
A. To make sure that ATC transceivers are in standby mode, you must simulate altitude, otherwise false TCAS
signals may occur intermittently.
B. Make sure the ATC transmitters are in standby mode, or false TCAS targets may occur accidentally due to
altitude simulation.
C. Make sure that the ATC transponders are in standby mode when you simulate altitude. You can
accidentally cause false TCAS targets.
A. 快速定点必须与航迹的点吻合。
C. 紧固件必须和滑轨内的孔对准。
A. If you find a crack, do the applicable repair procedure.
B. If you find a crash, do the applicable maintenance procedure.
C. If you find the wear, do the applicable repair procedure.
A. 始终遵守如下保持电线处于良好状况的法规
B. 始终遵守预防措施,然后保持电线处子良好状况
C. 始终遵守如下预防措施以保持电线处于良好状况
A. In procedural sentences, you can use a maximum of 20 words before the comma(逗号)
B. In procedural sentences, you can use a maximum of 20 words before the colon.
C. ln procedural sentences, you 'can use at least 20 words before the full stop(句号).
A. Cut the shim to the correct size.
B. Trim the washer to the correct size.
C. Cut the patch to the correct dimension.
A. 快速定点必须与航迹的点吻合。
B. 夹具必须贴合导轨上的洞。
C. 紧固件必须和滑轨内的孔对准。
A. 通气油箱排放单向活门允许通气油箱内的燃油流到 1 号或 2 号主油箱。
B. 通气油箱排放检查活门使通气油箱内的燃油流动于 1 号和 2 号油箱之间。
C. 通气油箱排放单向活门使通气油箱内的燃油流入 1 号及 2 号主油箱。
A. 一百三十二是的整数的个例子。
B. 1/32 是分数的一个例子。
C. 一分三十二秒是片段的长度示例。