A、 在紧急情况下,飞行员应准备至关重要的物品的检查清单。
B、 在关键情况下,飞行员的检查清单应限制在最大量,而且是对飞行员至关重要时。
C、 检查清单应限于在紧急情况下对飞行员至关重要的物品的最小数量
A、 在紧急情况下,飞行员应准备至关重要的物品的检查清单。
B、 在关键情况下,飞行员的检查清单应限制在最大量,而且是对飞行员至关重要时。
C、 检查清单应限于在紧急情况下对飞行员至关重要的物品的最小数量
A. 所有在此区域人员必须使用护目镜。
A. To make sure that ATC transceivers are in standby mode, you must simulate altitude, otherwise false TCAS
signals may occur intermittently.
B. Make sure the ATC transmitters are in standby mode, or false TCAS targets may occur accidentally due to
altitude simulation.
C. Make sure that the ATC transponders are in standby mode when you simulate altitude. You can
accidentally cause false TCAS targets.
A. 用米尺来衡量金属盒的容识。
B. 评测金属规则的维度,来作长远的分级。
C. 用一个带有毫米刻度的金属尺来测量尺寸。
A. Write notes only to give content, not commands.
B. Write notes only to give information, not instructions.
C. Write cautions only to give information. Not orders.
A. There is a controlled general dictionary in STE, The words in this dictionary are occasionally used in
technical writing.
B. STE has a controlled General dictionary in which the words are seldom used in technical writing.
C. STE has a controlled general dictionary; this dictionary gives the words that are often used in technical
A. 优先计算机借助于应用逻辑,将来自部件的输出参数与部件自身的可用数据进行比较。
B. 优先计算机借助于关联逻辑,将来自部件的输出参数与优先计算机自身的可用数据进行比较。
C. 优先计算机比较以下内容、来自部件的输出参数与优先计算机自身的可用数据,这个数据是借助于关联逻辑
A. 为飞机延长停场周期做准备
B. 为飞机长时间停用做准备
C. 准备好飞机做保留故障处理
A. This is the maximum portion of flammable vapors in air If the portion is bigger, when an ignition source
touched the gas, it would cause the fire to be diffused.
B. This is the minimum volume of flammable vapors. lf the volume is lower, when the gas contacted with an
ignition source, the fire would not come out.
C. This is the minimum density of flammable vapors in air. if the density was lower, when an ignition 'source
touched the gas, it would not cause the spread of flame.
A. 本段还应说明,加上已建立的检查,其他检查也会被适航指南要求进行。
B. 除去已确定的检查,本段落还应解释适航管理所要求的其他检查。
C. 本段还应说明,除了既定的检查外,适航指令可能还要求进行其他检查。
A. The elevators must move in an even manner.
B. The elevators must keep moving accordingly.
C. The elevators must move correspondingly.