A、 this system does not exceed the normal channels of communication for items not included in the CAP
B、 For items not included in the CAP this system does not take the place of the normal channels of
C、 For items not mentioned in the CAP this system does not occupy the normal
channels of communication
A、 this system does not exceed the normal channels of communication for items not included in the CAP
B、 For items not included in the CAP this system does not take the place of the normal channels of
C、 For items not mentioned in the CAP this system does not occupy the normal
channels of communication
A. 复合板材使搭接处更坚固。
B. A 加强板使搭接接头更坚固。P
C. 经过再次强化的板材使塔接凸缘承力更强。
A. The Federal Aviation Regulations 'require "maximum continuous power.to be used during airframe and
engine combination certification to show obedience with certain criteria.
B. Federal aviation regulations require "maximum continuing power" to be used during the certifying of the
airframe and engine to meet certain criteria.
C. Federal aviation regulations,
"maximum continuous power", are used to show compliance with certain standards.
A. If the pump is not suitable(不可用) to be used, replace it
B. If the pump is outmoded, replace it
A. 需要作为安装或恢复作动程序中的一部分的任何调整/测试应在文本中按适当的顺字进行操作
B. 需要作为安装或限动程序中的一部分的任何调整/测试应以适当的方式包含在文本中
C. 需要作为安装或恢复作动程序中的一部分的任何调整/测试应以适当的顺序包含在文本中'
A. Review the failures report from the logbook and related fault messages with center DU or CDU, debrief
the flight crew for faults and report them for handling.
B. Either the logbook or center DU/CDU shall be checked for faults records and related fault information,
then review the faults reported by the flight crew and take actions.
C. Consult the failures report from the logbook to find the related information on center DU or CDU, listen to
the crew for faults report. Report faults and handle them
A. 、 lf the filters become clogged after an unusually short time, send them to the laboratory for analysis of the
A. 在 STEMG 网站上的电子版的不一页也有改变的表格
B. 下一页有一份变更表,在 STEMG 网站上也有电子版的。
C. 下一页有一份已改变形式,也可以在 STEMG 网站上以电子格式提供。
A. 技术文本常常包含很长的词组,这些词组在一个句子中具有一个个词性的功能。
B. 技术文件常常由很长的词汇构成,这些词在句子中的词性只有一种。
C. 技术文件常常包括长词组,在同一句子中这些词的功能是一种词性。
A. Make sure that the warning light turns on within 3 seconds.
B. Make sure that the warning light is on for at least 3 seconds.
C. Make sure that the warning light is turned on in no more than 3 seconds.
A. Functional test is the determination that a system or component performs the required procedures in all
respects accordance with the minimum acceptable system or component design specifications.
B. Functional test is that procedure required to ascertain that a system or unit is functioning in all aspects in
accordance with minimum acceptable system or unit design specifications.
C. Functional testing is the procedure requested to determine that a system or component operates in all
respects according to the minimum unsanctioned system or component design specification.