A、 Be sure that the position of the clamp has the same opinion with your record before you remove it
B、 Make sure that the position of the clamp is the same as the position you recorded during the removal
C、 Insure that the clamp matches the position that you recorded during the repair procedure.
A、 Be sure that the position of the clamp has the same opinion with your record before you remove it
B、 Make sure that the position of the clamp is the same as the position you recorded during the removal
C、 Insure that the clamp matches the position that you recorded during the repair procedure.
A. The word list only shows major changes.
B. The word list only shows minor changes.
C. Only major changes are highlighted in the word list.
A. 驾驶舱的控制允许选择温度和流速。
B. 在飞行舱的控制允许选择温度和流速。
C. 驾驶舱的控制允许选择温度和流动方向。
A. 调整加速度计的精度。
B. 准确调整陀螺仪。
C. 调整罗盘的精度。
A. Each approved word in the dictionary is assigned a specified approved meaning, which is strictly
controlled comparing with the meaning in standard English.
B. A specified unapproved meaning corresponds to each approved word in the dictionary that leads to the
restriction of the meaning in standard English.
C. Comparing with the meaning of standard English, the specified approved meaning for each approved
word in the dictionary is more appropriate.
A. Warnings, cautions and notes may be used to highlight or repeat important points.
B. Warnings, cautions and notes may be used to highlight or emphasis important points.
C. Warnings, cautions and notes may be used to highlight or emphasize important points.
A. 为了获得正确的间隙,需要增加特殊的垫片。
B. 为了获得正确的间隙,按需增加特殊的垫片。
C. 要获得正确的间隙,需要增加特定的垫片。
A. Make sure that the quality of fuel in the reservoir is not more than 500 liters.
B. Make sure that the quantity of fuel in the tank is not more than 500 liters.
C. Make sure that the quality of oil in the tank is not more than 500 liters.
A. 这个程序包括拆卸恒速驱动装置(CSD)的说明。
D. )的指令。
A. This example shows that we were only allowed to calculate the data applicable to Type B
B. The data we are now calculating in this example apply only to Type B unit.
C. The data used for the calculations in this example apply only to type B unit
A. 如果由于腐蚀你不能拆卸螺栓,则涂渗透油