A、 编写《维修手册》某些章节的技术资料时,需要机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商之间的共同协作
B、 《维修手册》中准备某些章节的技术数据需要机身制造商和各种其它部件制造商之间的共同贡献和密切协
C、 机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商可以共同协作以完成《维修手册》一些章节的技术参数们编写工作
A、 编写《维修手册》某些章节的技术资料时,需要机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商之间的共同协作
B、 《维修手册》中准备某些章节的技术数据需要机身制造商和各种其它部件制造商之间的共同贡献和密切协
C、 机身制造商和各种其他部件制造商可以共同协作以完成《维修手册》一些章节的技术参数们编写工作
A. lf you find break wires, repair them.
B. If you find broken wires, repair them.
C. If you find break wire, repair them
A. 如果温度值可能超过允许的限度,降低功率
B. 如果温度值可能超过允许的限度,切断电源
C. 如果温度值可能超过最大限度,减少用电
A. Correct punctuation is important because it shows that the different parts of the text are reconnected and
prevents miscomprehension.
B. Correct punctuation is important because it shows how the different parts of the text are independent and
prevents accumulation.
C. Correct punctuation is important because it shows how the different parts of the text are related and
prevents ambiguity.
A. 两个人必须要完成这个程序。
B. 此过程最多需要两个人
C. 执行这个程序需要两个人。
A. 应使用比例尺图对飞机的总体布局进行说明,该比例尺图由平面图、侧视图和正面视图组成,并在单页上
B. 应使用气动布局图对飞机总体安排进行说明,说明内容包括计划、侧面图和正面图,并以垂直顺序在单页
C. 应在单页上以横向顺序的呈现方式对飞机总体布局和示意图进行说明,包括平面图、侧视图和正面视图。
A. Augment the pressure slowly (no less than one turn each minute)
B. Increase the pressure slowly (not more than one turn each minute)
c、 Release the pressure slowly (not more than one turn each minute).
A. Stringers and the upper wing skin are called vent channels; The vent channels go through drain float
valves in the center tank.
B. Stringers and the upper wing skin are composed of the vent channels. The vent channels got exhaust float
valves from the center tank.
C. Stringers and the upper wing skin make the vent channels. The vent channels have drain float valves in the
center tank.
A. In the remaining parts of the text, the related approved abbreviations are used.
B. ln the attached parts of the text, the related disapproved abbreviations are used.
C. ln the remaining parts of the text, the related approved abstracts are used.
A. do the troubleshooting procedure to find the cause of the malfunction
B. Do the troubleshooting procedure to look the result of the malfunction
C. Find the cause of the malfunction to do the troubleshooting procedure
A. 不要让清洁剂接触带有瑞尔森(Rilsan)涂层的零件
B. 不要使用含氯的溶剂清洁带有瑞尔森(Rilsan)涂层的零件。
C. 不可以使用含氯的瑞尔森(Rilsan)溶液清洁带有涂层的零件。