A、 The purpose of the CAP is to extend the current inspection scope so that the performance of the aircraft
keeps fulfilling the capability of the original certification.
B、 The CAP is worked out to maintain the need for flight so that performance of the aircraft would conform
to the original certification standards.
C、 CAP is designed to address the growing demand for flying and to keep aircraft in compliance with the
original certification standards.
A、 The purpose of the CAP is to extend the current inspection scope so that the performance of the aircraft
keeps fulfilling the capability of the original certification.
B、 The CAP is worked out to maintain the need for flight so that performance of the aircraft would conform
to the original certification standards.
C、 CAP is designed to address the growing demand for flying and to keep aircraft in compliance with the
original certification standards.
A. 此说明帮助您找到相关的适用 STE 规则和不同特定主题。
B. 此索引帮助您找到与不同特定主题相关的适用 STE 规则。
C. 此指数可以帮助您找到不同于特定主题相关的适用 STE 规则。
页 34
A. 按照制造商的计划要求使用飞机,结合例行检查和维护实践,从而构成飞机保持适航和安全运行的基础。
B. 按照制造商的要求使用飞机,结合合理的检查和维修实践,形成了确保飞机保持适航和安全运行的基础。
C. 由制造商决定飞机的使用,结合良好的检查和维修实践,以构成飞机保持适航性和安全运行的基础。
A. The word list only shows major changes.
B. The word list only shows minor changes.
C. Only major changes are highlighted in the word list.
A. In designing schematic diagrams, it may be necessary to combine two aspects、 specification necessary to make the diagram clear, And the simplicity essential for ease of reading and understanding.
B. In designing schematic diagrams, it may be necessary to comprehend two aspects、 detection necessary to make the diagram self-contained, And the simplification essential for ease of reading and understanding.
C. In designing schematic diagrams, it may be necessary to compromise two aspects、 detail necessary to make the diagram self-explanatory、 And the simplicity essential for ease of reading and understanding
A. After three full cycles, extend and retract the actuator.
C. Do nothing to the actuator after three complete cycles.
C. 如果在初始印刷版之后必须删除一页,则给删除的页面装进信件并使用带前级的前一页页码(例如,第 1-6A
页、1-68 页等)
A. To open the containers for these materials, sittable tools must be used.
B. The appropriate tools should be selected to open the materials; the containers is inside the materials.
C. The inappropriate tools should be selected to open the containers; the containers is made in the materials.
A. The external diameter must be concentric to the internal diameter
B. The outer radius and the inner radius must be suitable.
C. The exterior 'radius must be installed on a common shaft with the interior radius.
A. 手册建议你在流良好的区域制备混合物。
B. 制造商建议你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
C. 制造商强调你在气流良好的区域制备混合物。
A. 笔记本电脑有以下主要部件。
B. 笔记本电脑有以下初级部件。
C. 笔记本电脑有以下仿制部件。