A、 If a symbol or device is established for a valve or control, it shall be used for this type of unit throughout
the manual. The symbols used should be shown and identified in legend a block on the schematic diagram.
B、 B、 If a symbol or device has been set up to a valve or control, the equipment type will be referred, to as this
symbol or device. throughout the manual. The legend block in the diagram displays or identifies symbols or
C、 If symbol or design is specified for a valve or control,this type of device is used throughout the section of
the manual. The symbols used can be found and identified in the legend block cof0the schematic. a
A、 If a symbol or device is established for a valve or control, it shall be used for this type of unit throughout
the manual. The symbols used should be shown and identified in legend a block on the schematic diagram.
B、 B、 If a symbol or device has been set up to a valve or control, the equipment type will be referred, to as this
symbol or device. throughout the manual. The legend block in the diagram displays or identifies symbols or
C、 If symbol or design is specified for a valve or control,this type of device is used throughout the section of
the manual. The symbols used can be found and identified in the legend block cof0the schematic. a
A. Refer to the general information in addition to engine operation limits, guidelines and special procedures.
B. For general information, refer to engine operation limits; guidelines and special procedures.
C. Refer to engine operation limits, guidelines and special procedures be sides general information.
A. 临时地将钢索连接到邻近的结构上
B. 临时地将挂钩连接到对应的结构上
C. 稳定连接钢索到附近的结构上
A. Close valve A when the indications on gauges X and Y correctly.
B. Close valve A when you get the indications on gauges X and Y independently.
C. Close valve A when the indications on gauges X and Y correspond.
A. Even though this specification is conformed to recognized industry practices,
it is prepared in broad
genuine terms and it is recognized that problems will occur which are not handled enough by the
B. Although this specification coheres with recognized industry practices, it is written in vast general terms
and it is asserted that problems will appear which are not treated sufficiently by the specification.
C. Though this specification complies with accepted industry practice, it is compiled in wide generic terms
and it is recognized that problems which are not treated adequately by the specification will arise.
A. The user of this schematic diagram is the mechanic
B. The user of this schematic diagram is the pilot
C. The user of this schematic diagram is the flight attendant.
A. 如果破坏只针对中心轮毂,这个机轮是可以使用的.
B. 如果只损坏中间的胎面,这个轮胎是可以使用的。
C. 如果只伤及中间的纹理,这个轮胎是可维护的。
A. 重心是飞机悬浮时保持平衡的点。它与参考基准的距离是通过总力矩除以飞机的总重量得出的。
B. 飞机的重心是使飞机保持平衡的点。它与参考基准的距离可以通过总弯矩除以飞机总重量找到。
C. 重心是如果飞机悬着使飞机保持平衡的点。它到参照基准的距离可以通过总长度除以总重量找到。
A. 如果不能安全执行此地面移动操作,警告不要再次尝试它
B. 如果不能安全执行此操作,应提供警告不要再次尝试此操作。
C. 如果不能安全执行此操作,应提供警告不要尝试此操作。
A. 将备件送到修理厂。
B. 将零件送至大修商店。
C. 将部件送到大修车间。
A. If the filters become clogged, send them to the laboratory for analysis of the contamination.
B. lf the filters are surged, send them to laboratory for contamination analysis
C. lf the contaminant is blocking the filter the material should be sent to the laboratory for analysis’s