A、 Use some auxiliary screws to assemble the unit temporarily
B、 You shall use some additional screws to install the unit permanently
C、 Temporarily disassemble this unit using some auxiliary screwdrivers.
A、 Use some auxiliary screws to assemble the unit temporarily
B、 You shall use some additional screws to install the unit permanently
C、 Temporarily disassemble this unit using some auxiliary screwdrivers.
A. Put the actuators against the tires.
B. Put the chocks against the wheels.
C. Put the chain against the brakes.
A. The basis for assuring an airplane remains airworthy and safe to operate is, to combine the manufacturer's
requirement Switch sound inspection and maintenance practices.
B. To ensure airworthiness and safe operation of an airplane,
instructions in the utilization of airplane and perform sound inspection and maintenance practices as well.
C. Airworthiness and safe operation are fundamental to aircraft utilization as required by the manufacturer,
so sound inspection and maintenance/practices are carried out.
A. lf the scratch does not go through the protective layer, the unit is serviceable.
B. lf the nick does not go through the primary surface, the unit is serviceable
C. lf the scratch does not go through the protective surface; the unit is movable.
A. 为了获得正确的间隙,需要增加特殊的垫片。
B. 为了获得正确的间隙,按需增加特殊的垫片。
C. 要获得正确的间隙,需要增加特定的垫片。
A. The operational test of HFS-900D transceivers is internal functions check of the HF transceiver and it is a
B. The BITE test for the HFS-900D transceivers is the operation test that does the inner check of the HF
C. The check of the internal functions of the HF transceiver is a BITE test related to HFS-900Dtransceivers.
A. If the filters become clogged, send them to the laboratory for analysis of the contamination.
B. lf the filters are surged, send them to laboratory for contamination analysis
C. lf the contaminant is blocking the filter the material should be sent to the laboratory for analysis’s
A. 技术文本常常包含很长的词组,这些词组在一个句子中具有一个个词性的功能。
B. 技术文件常常由很长的词汇构成,这些词在句子中的词性只有一种。
C. 技术文件常常包括长词组,在同一句子中这些词的功能是一种词性。
A. 在驾驶舱放置警告标识,同时告知相关人员不要操作飞控系统。
B. 在驾驶舱放置警告标识,告知人员不要操作飞控舵面。
C. 在驾驶舱放置警告标识以告知无需操作飞控舵面的人员。
A. The relationship of manufacturer to existing inspection programs isinc1uded in the CAP Objectives
Statement, as well as information on expectations of CAP's objectives.
B. The Objectives Statement covers CAP 's relationship to existing inspection projects, as well as information
of manufacturer's target about the CAP.
C. The manufacturer's 0bjectives Statement includes information about the Cap’s relationship to existing
inspection programs and goals for the CAP.
A. Maintenances Practices"
B. Maintenance Practices"
C. Maintenance Practices"
include servicing removal/installation, adjustment/test,
cleaning/painting. Approved repairs should be located after the Troubleshooting Section.