A、 Find appropriate torque values in the table above.
B、 Refer to the table that follows for the applicable torque values
C、 Proper torque values can be found in the booklet attached. a
A、 Find appropriate torque values in the table above.
B、 Refer to the table that follows for the applicable torque values
C、 Proper torque values can be found in the booklet attached. a
A. 本课件仅适用于特定的操作系统。
B. 本软件只适用于特殊的操作系统。
C. 本软件仅与指定的操作系统兼容。
A. 在本构型中,必须执行不同的测试程序。
B. 在本构型中,可以选用不同的测试程序。
C. 本次会议强制要求使用不同的测试程序。
A. 在升降飞机时,要确保操作升降设备的人员接受过恰当的培训并具备相应的知识
B. 在对飞机进行平衡、顶升或放下时,确保人员接受过升降设备的培训并掌握相关技能
C. 当水平放置飞机或顶升飞机时,确保操作升降设备的人员学过培训知识
A. The CAP hardly tends to exchange or replace any part of the related airplane maintenance manual.t
B. The CAP prefers to vary or be instead of any part of the relevant aircraft maintenance manual.
C. Any part of the applicative aircraft maintenance manual cannot be changed or replaced by the CAP.
A. 在外表面上涂抹密到胶。
B. 在外壁板施加载荷。
C. 在外壳上喷除防锈剂。
A. 两个人必须要完成这个程序。
B. 此过程最多需要两个人
C. 执行这个程序需要两个人。
A. There are trim tabs at the rear of both ailerons.
B. There are trim tabs at the rear of both flaps.
C. There are trimmable stabilizers at the rear of both elevators.
A. This is the maximum portion of flammable vapors in air If the portion is bigger, when an ignition source
touched the gas, it would cause the fire to be diffused.
B. This is the minimum volume of flammable vapors. lf the volume is lower, when the gas contacted with an
ignition source, the fire would not come out.
C. This is the minimum density of flammable vapors in air. if the density was lower, when an ignition 'source
touched the gas, it would not cause the spread of flame.
A. 尽管飞机在生产是已经强调了技术文件的作用,在实际使用 ABC 会继续提供必要的支持,厂方会一直保持
B. 尽管飞机在生产完成出厅,在技术文体方面给子了技术支持,当飞机投入实际使用中,ABC 还将+直保持
C. 尽管本文件中提到的飞机已经停产,ABC/将按照我们规定的公司政策一如既往地支持它们、厂方在规定的
A. Schematic diagram designers may make a compromise so as to add more details to make the diagram
self-explanatory and keep its simplicity at the same time for ease of reading and understanding.
B. ln designing schematic diagrams, It may be necessary to pay attention to both detail that is necessary to
make the diagram self-explanatory and simplicity that is essential for ease of reading and understanding.
C. Detail makes the diagram self-explanatory、 Simplicity makes it easy to read and understand is necessary to
consider both of them and make a compromise if needed when designing schematic diagrams.