A、 涂抹两层保护性化合物,以防止液压油损坏密封胶
B、 运用两层保护性化合物,以保护液压油对密封胶的损害。
A、 涂抹两层保护性化合物,以防止液压油损坏密封胶
B、 运用两层保护性化合物,以保护液压油对密封胶的损害。
A. In order to do the engine bleed system leak check use APU to pressurize the system and check if there are
leaks in the sensing tube and these system components.
B. The leak inspection of the engine bleed air system describes how to use APU to pressurize the system to
inspect whether the sense lines and the system parts leak or not.
C. The way to check the leakage of the senses pipes and the system components by compressing system
using APU is described.
A. You can find electronic devices in nearly all aircraft systems. They are system control and monitoring
computer, the control input $ and indications in the cockpit/and sensors throughout. The whole aircraft
B. The computer used for system control and monitoring and the control
cockpit and sensors all over the whole Aircraft are the electronic devices used in almost all aircraft system
A. The BITE function rectifies the failures and sends the failure message to the Central Maintenance
B. The failures are sent to the BlTE function and the central maintenance computer.
C. The BITE function garners the failures and sends the failure message to the central maintenance computer.
A. 安装前先润滑密封件。
B. 安装前先把润滑油进行密封。
C. 在设备前面密封润滑油
A. 门是用碳纤维增强塑料制作的。
B. 门是用防火纤维增强塑料制作的。
A. 该控制组件安装在机身尾部
B. 该控制组件安装在驾驶舱后部
C. 该控制组件位置在驾驶舱底部
A. Because the responsibility of the operator is to comply with all the airworthiness directives and to deal with
service and overhaul the airplane as required according to the the Federal Aviation Regulations, an accurate
warning or note shall be available in this Section.
B. This Section shall provide a suitable waning or note to inform the operator that his responsibility is to
ensure that all airworthiness directives are conformed to and to handle, service and maintain the airplane
when required and in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
C. The purpose of warning or note in this Section is to ten the operator that responsible for verifying that all
airworthiness directives are appropriate, and that handling, servicing and maintenance of the airplane is
done when required and in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
A. 辅助燃油箱通常是可移动的油箱。
B. 辅助燃油箱通常是可拆卸的油箱
C. 辅助燃油箱是常规的可拆卸的油箱。
A. This procedure is only applicable to type A parts.
B. This task is only used for type A parts.
C. This procedure is applicable to all type parts.
A. If there is no respond from the tower, select a different frequency((频率) and contact again
B. lf there is not any answer from the tower, use a different tunnel.
C. lf the tower does not respond, use a different radio device.