A、 Do the procedure to preserve the carbon steel cab1es.
B、 Do the procedure to lubricate the stain1essesteel cab1es. o
C、 Do the procedure for the protection of the carbon steel harnesses
A、 Do the procedure to preserve the carbon steel cab1es.
B、 Do the procedure to lubricate the stain1essesteel cab1es. o
C、 Do the procedure for the protection of the carbon steel harnesses
A. 本节中包含的异常应由手册编写者确定。
B. 手册的起草者可以将异常情况编入此章节
C. 手册的生产商可以根据异常情况决定是否将其编入此章节。
A. 当反推收回时,确保飞机远离人员
B. 当反推放出时,确保人员远离飞机
C. 当反推运动时,确保人员远离飞机
A. The data may be supplemented by brief descriptions of additional Characteristics or features if desired.
B. If necessary ,the detail may supplement some simple descriptions of additional characteristics or properties.
C. lf desired. The detail may be added by simple presentations of additional values or properties.
A. 在紧急情况下,飞行员应准备至关重要的物品的检查清单。
B. 在关键情况下,飞行员的检查清单应限制在最大量,而且是对飞行员至关重要时。
C. 检查清单应限于在紧急情况下对飞行员至关重要的物品的最小数量
A. Restore sections that relate to certain types of trouble
B. Locate sections that relate in general types of trouble.
C. Recognize sections that lead to particular types of trouble.
A. Sudden changes in temperature can adjust the internal logic.
B. The internal logic adjusts to sudden changes in temperature.
C. The internal logic can be adjusted by sudden changes in temperature
A. 该扭力无法向内侧旋转,因此在拆下前,应先拆下外旋扭力轴。
B. 禁止将该扭力轴向内侧移动。因此,在拆下前,应先拆下外侧扭力轴。
C. 该扭力轴不能向内侧移动,因此在拆下之前,应先拆下外侧扭力轴。
A. 当火警启动时,温度增加并引起灭火器工作。
B. 当火焰开如时,温度增加并造成触发器工作,
C. 当起火时,温度升高并使探测器工作。
A. The lower seal appears as the lower bearing is pulled down.
B. You can see the lower seal before pulling the lower bearing down.
C. Only after you pull the lower seal down can you see the lower bearing.
A. Pull out the circuit breaker.
B. Push in the circuit breaker.
C. Remove the circuit breaker.