
A、  realistic

B、  fortunate

C、  comfortable

D、  able


182.CD-ROMs and DVDs are( )for storing digital information.
1、Passage 8Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are
encouraged, but not forced, to ―leave the nest‖ and begin an independent life. After children leave
home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents
do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents
to get married. Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young
adults meet their future spouses through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious
institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve
of their choices.
In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.
A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to
choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in
order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father‘s
business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father‘s workplace. This
independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.
Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American
family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and
independence5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.
194.Our-school-run factory( )various kinds of chemical devices last year.
1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.1.According to the passage, whether people think themselves lucky or not depends on the following factors EXCEPT( ).
105.As soon as it saw the dog coming towards it, the cat arched its back and its fur started to( ).
145.As it was getting cold, I( )the blanket around myself.
1、Translation 5
With awareness of increasing dishonesty in today‘s society, it‘s sometimes implied that in ―the good old days‖ people were better, happier, and more honest. Were they more honest? Maybe yes, maybe no. Long ago, all American schoolchildren knew the historical story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he had overcharged a customer. It‘s the kind of story that we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true. Every society has stories stressing the absolute value of honesty. It‘s these stories that students need to remember when temptation induces them to cheat.
25.He tried very hard to( )the meaning of the sentence under that dim light.


A、  realistic

B、  fortunate

C、  comfortable

D、  able


182.CD-ROMs and DVDs are( )for storing digital information.

A.  modes

B.   cays

C.   devices

D.   manners
1、Passage 8Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are
encouraged, but not forced, to ―leave the nest‖ and begin an independent life. After children leave
home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. Parents
do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents
to get married. Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young
adults meet their future spouses through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious
institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve
of their choices.
In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.
A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to
choose another career. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in
order to assert their independence. A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father‘s
business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father‘s workplace. This
independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.
Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American
family. Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self – reliance and
independence5. The subject matter of this selection is _____.

A.  decision making

B.  marriage arrangements

C.   the pursuit of a career

D.   family values
194.Our-school-run factory( )various kinds of chemical devices last year.

A.  turned into

B.   turned up

C.   turned out

D.   turned off
1、Passage 1
The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to enjoy a lifetime‘s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and self-reported luck, according to a research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the luckiest month in which to be born, with 50 percent of those born then considering themselves lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43 percent claiming good fortune.
The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance, but is affected by a person‘s general disposition. Other research has shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success than on having a ―glass half-full‖ or“half-empty‖ approach to life. ―What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,‖ said Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the research.
The pattern of the result, with those born in spring and in summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations, Professor Wiseman said.1.According to the passage, whether people think themselves lucky or not depends on the following factors EXCEPT( ).

A.  one‘s objective success

B.  one‘s general disposition

C.  one‘s attitude to life

D.  one‘s place of birth
105.As soon as it saw the dog coming towards it, the cat arched its back and its fur started to( ).

A.  fell

B.   ruffle

C.   bristle

D.   prop
145.As it was getting cold, I( )the blanket around myself.

A.  ditch

B.   wrap

C.   remove

D.   phenomenon

A.   catch

B.   diverse

C.   suffer

D.   overcome

A. treat

B. deal

C. consider

D. cope
1、Translation 5
With awareness of increasing dishonesty in today‘s society, it‘s sometimes implied that in ―the good old days‖ people were better, happier, and more honest. Were they more honest? Maybe yes, maybe no. Long ago, all American schoolchildren knew the historical story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he had overcharged a customer. It‘s the kind of story that we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true. Every society has stories stressing the absolute value of honesty. It‘s these stories that students need to remember when temptation induces them to cheat.
25.He tried very hard to( )the meaning of the sentence under that dim light.

A.  figure out

B.   take out

C.   look out

D.   put out